Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide safe, clean and functional Parks & Recreation facilities. To provide programs and services that add to the quality of life for all Lee County residents and visitors. To enhance tourism through special events and attractions. We are committed to fulfilling this mission through visionary leadership, individual dedication and the trustworthy use of available resources.

Our Vision

Lee County Parks & Recreation...the Natural Place to Learn and Play. 

Our History

Lee County Parks & Recreation initially organized in the early 1970s. Before that time, there were very few parks maintained and almost no programming provided. The department began with the completion of four community swimming pools, three of which started on the School District of Lee County’s property. These three pools began a longstanding relationship between Parks & Recreation and the School District. Our goal is to maximize our combined resources to provide the residents of Lee County with the best possible facilities and programs with the least possible expenditure of public funds. For more than 40 years, it has been an enriching relationship for all parties, especially for the residents of Lee County.

From our meager beginnings over a quarter of a century ago we have grown dramatically. We now manage more than 3,500 acres of developed parkland and provide for hundreds of programs throughout the County. This growth reflects the 63 percent population growth experienced by Lee County in the last decade alone. We serve the community by providing health, inspiration and recreation opportunities through quality programming, facilities, and community events. The department also furthers the preservation and enhancement of the environment through Conservation 20/20 preserves, open spaces, and natural habitat areas.

Lee County Parks & Recreation oversees four recreation centers, ten community centers, community parks, Conservation 20/20 lands, greenways, the Calusa Blueway Paddling Trail, four year-round pools, seven boat ramps, sports complexes (including the Boston Red Sox and Minnesota Twins spring training facilities), dog-friendly parks, and natural Gulf-of-Mexico beach access.

ADA Accommodations and Policies

Parks ADA Accessible Amenities Search

ADA Compliance & Inclusion Statement

Lee County Parks & Recreation encourages all individuals to participate in the leisure and recreational opportunities of their choice. We welcome people with disabilities into all of our parks, recreation programs, and facilities. We will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination in programs, services, and activities for individuals with disabilities.

Effective Communication

We will provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services promptly (when necessary) to afford individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of all programs, services, events, and activities offered by Lee County Parks & Recreation.

Reasonable Accommodations & modifications

We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations as well as program and policy modifications to assist individuals with participation in all of our services, activities, and programs.  We ask that you contact us with a request for accommodation at the time of registration or no later than five (5) business days before the scheduled event. We will make every attempt to provide reasonable accommodations; however, failure to place a request within the specified time may limit our ability to accommodate. The ADA does not require the provision of services that are personal or invasive in nature, impose an undue financial burden, or require actions that would fundamentally alter the intent of programs and services. 

ADA Inquiry Procedure

To request an accommodation or modification to participate in a Lee County Parks & Recreation program, activity or service, please contact Christin Carson-Bomtempo ADA Supervisor at (239) 267-2181 or email ccarsonbomtempo@leegov.com.

Lee County ADA Grievance Procedure

For all other ADA requests or to file a formal Lee County grievance, please follow procedures listed on the leegov.com website or contact the Lee County ADA Coordinator at (239) 533-8782 or email ADArequests@leegov.com

National Accreditation (CAPRA)


The Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) sets standards for national accreditation to provide a reliable assessment tool for park and recreation agencies. CAPRA accreditation assures policymakers, taxpayers, staff and the general public that a park and recreation agency has established benchmarks delivering a high level of quality through independent evaluation. 

Lee County Parks & Recreation received CAPRA Accreditation in 2001. We were one of the first 35 agencies in the nation to achieve accreditation.  Reaccreditation is every five years.  In 2006, 2011 and 2016, we underwent the rigorous reaccreditation process and met CAPRA standards each time.  We hold ourselves to very high standards and are proud of our commitment of excellence to the residents of Lee County. 

What's the accreditation process?

Achieving accreditation means thoroughly assessing the department’s policies, practices, procedures, programs, and facilities.  Lee County Parks & Recreation evaluates 154 internal standards.  We complete a self-assessment which we submit to the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA).  NRPA then assigns an expert team of park and recreation professionals to visit and evaluate our Department on those 154 standards.  This evaluation team provides an objective report to the CAPRA board. The board then reviews the Department's self-assessment and the expert team's report. 

What does our accreditation mean to you?

Accreditation requires extensive staff involvement and evaluation at all levels of our public service. The accreditation process resulted in a living lifecycle of self-assessment of our facilities and services.  We continually review policy, procedure, and technique so that we may adopt best practices across the Department.  The residents of Lee County are the ultimate benefactors of this commitment to excellence, demonstrated through our high-quality facilities, programs, and services. Visit www.nrpa.org for more information about national accreditation.

Lee County Parks & Recreation Accreditation Documents

2006 Self Assessment Workbook

2011 Self Assessment Workbook

2016 Self Assessment Workbook

2024 Self Assessment Workbook

Ranger Unit

Rangers Protect Park Visitors & Natural Resources

Lee County Parks & Recreation Rangers ensure the safety of park visitors and protect the natural resources of Lee County's complex ecosystems and parklands. If you’ve visited a Lee County park lately, chances are you’ve met one of our rangers. The Rangers are considered “Ambassadors of the Park” and provide visitors with information regarding park activities and offer various educational programs, such as nature walks, wildlife programs, and classroom presentations.

The sixteen-member staff patrols more than 4,000 acres of developed parks, beaches, preserves, boat ramps, and community centers. The Ranger Unit is also responsible for patrolling our park preserves that total more than thirty-thousand acres. Our rangers patrol on foot, in trucks, by ATV, by bicycle, and sometimes by powerboat or kayak.  

The Ranger Unit enforces park rules and Lee County regulations, Lee County Ordinance 18-12 and Lee County Ordinance 18-27. For reference, see the Clerk of Court Codified Ordinance

Rangers Unit Priorities

Regulation: The Rangers’ first objective is park visitor safety and ensuring compliance in park regulations in a positive, educational manner.

Education: Rangers provide natural resource education programs for park visitors of all ages at Lee County sites and school-aged children at school sites.

Code enforcement: Park rangers are required to obtain Code Enforcement Certification and follow the Standards of Ethics for Code Enforcement Officials and Courtroom Procedures and Presentations. They work closely with local law enforcement like the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and Florida Fish and Wildlife.

Geocaching in the Parks!

Lee County parks are home to several geocaching sites. Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.

The Ranger Unit must first approve a geocache in a Lee County Parks & Recreation facility.Download the Geocaching Permit and email it to the Ranger Unit or by mail to the administration office at Terry Park, 3410 Palm Beach Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33916. Visit Geocaching.com for more information.

Ranger Unit Supervisor Contact:

Chad Roy

​Dan Ryan






Mack Young
Kathy Loomis

Deputy Director


Christie Tvardek
Trever Snearley
Tim Gard
Christine Bailey

North District
East District
South District
West District

Lisa Weaver
Colleen Via

Jason Lamey
Susan Laco

Strategic Operations 

Countywide Services Project Manager



Josh Brooks
Sergio Perez
Keith Blasingim
JetBlue Park

Terry Park and Player Development Complex

Lee Health Sports Complex

Administrative Staff

Kristie Valone
Laurie Goshorn
Vera Conner
Liz Szurminksi

Office Manager

Administration Front Desk

Extension Service Desk

Digital Communications Specialist

Read the Parks Ordinance (18-12)

Full LCPR Staff Directory

Advisory Committees

Employee Log In
