​References for Subrecipients of Lee County's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF)

If you are a subrecipient of ARPA funds from Lee County, as described in that agreement, all of your expenditures must follow federal procurement rules.  

For purchases made with federal funds the dollar thresholds to determine the three levels of Procurement are below: micropurchases, small purchases and competitive purchases. 

The Lee County team is here to answer your questions and provide guidance as needed.  We all want to ensure compliant spending with these funds. Contact: performance@leegov.com


When procuring property and services under a Federal award, the subrecipients will follow the procurement standards as outlined in the 2 CFR Part 200.318 through 2 CFR Part 200.327 and its Appendix II provisions, as well as any the lowest common standard which also includes Lee County's thresholds. Such standards are outlined in Exhibit 1 below and are current as the published date listed thereon. Amendments made by the federal government to the regulations and standards of the 2 CFR Part 200.318 through 2 CFR Part 200.327 and its Appendix II provisions shall be automatically incorporated herein.

Method of Procurement - Federal Thresholds + Lee County Standard
(Updated Effective 9/5/2023)

​Amount < $10,000
​Multiple sources for price are reviewed
​Small Purchases
​Amount over $10,000 and < $250,000
​Complete & Adequate Specification or Description
Three or more quotes available
​Outreach to obtain quotes from Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MBE, WBE) 
Competitive Purchases - ​Invitation to Bid
​Amounts over $250,000
Complete & Adequate Specification or Description
​Selection can be made on the basis of price alone
​Firm fixed price contract is used
​No discussion with bidders required after the receipt of bids

Note: Federal Funds do not allow for a local vendor preference to be part of the selection decision criteria.



Procurement Thresholds Memo 5/11/2022


Uniform Guidance - Procurement Standards: 2 CFR 200.318 - 200.327

Vendor Outreach

State of Florida website for Women and Minority Owned Businesses: 
OSD (myflorida.com)

Disadvantage Business Enterprise 

Vendor Check (Suspension or Debarement)

Federal - SAM.gov | Exclusions
State of Florida  - Suspended Vendor List

Training Manual (Ernst & Young Presented 8/18/2022)

ARPA Subrecipient Training Maunal

Contact: performance@leegov.com 
