lot mowing ordinance no. 14-08 (2014)


lot mowing ordinance no. 14-08 (2014)

When: Saturday, April 30, 2022

Attention Real Property Owners, Agents, Custodians, Lessees and Occupants of Real Property in unincorporated Lee County:

You are required by law to maintain the grasses and weeds on property owned or controlled by you to a height that does not exceed 12 inches.  If you fail to do so, Lee County is authorized to cut these grasses and weeds. The associated costs for mowing and administrative fees attendant thereto shall be assessed against the property. Nonpayment of these costs will result in a lien against your property. The Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Lee County Ordinance No. 14-08 (2014), the Lee County Lot Mowing Ordinance.

A copy of the ordinance can be found at www.leegov.com/dcd/LotMowing

