notice of intent to enact a resolution


notice of intent to enact a resolution

When: Tuesday, June 17, 2014
9:30 am


County Commissioners’ Chambers
Lee County Courthouse
2120 Main Street
Fort Myers, Florida

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, June 17, 2014, at 9:30 AM, or as soon thereafter as can be heard, held in the County Commissioners’ Chambers, Lee County Courthouse, 2120 Main Street, Fort Myers, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners of Lee County will consider the enactment of a County Resolution pursuant to Florida Statutes 125 and 197 to continue the assessment of properties within the following Municipal Service Tax/Benefit Units (MSTBU’s) for the fiscal year 2014-2015.


1.     Anchorage Way/Intracoastal Operation and Maintenance MSBU (Proposed Assessment $1,500.00         per lot)

2.     Cherry/Blueberry Improvement Unit (Proposed Assessment $175.90 per lot)

3.     Cherry Estates Operation and Maintenance Special Improvement MSBU (Proposed                                 Assessment $200.00 for front units and $50.00 for back units per EAU)

4.     Country Estates Unit 3 Lighting Unit (Proposed Assessment $46.78 per lot)

5.     Country Lakes Subdivision Streetlighting MSTBU (Proposed Assessment $43.37 per lot)

6.     Dewberry Lane Special Improvement Operation and Maintenance MSBU (Proposed                                 Assessment $100.00 per lot)

7.     Gasparilla Island MSBU (Proposed Assessment for an equivalent millage rate of 0.0425)

8.     Golden Lake Heights Streetlighting Unit (Proposed Assessment $31.23 per lot)

9.     Old Pelican Bay Channel/Canal Operation and Maintenance Special Improvement MSBU                         (Proposed Assessment $265.85 per EAU)

10.  Pine Lake Streetlighting Unit (Proposed Assessment $103.95 per lot)

11.  River Forest Streetlighting Operation and Maintenance MSBU (Proposed Assessment $42.28                  per parcel)

12.  Sheltering Pines Mobile Home Village Improvement Unit (Proposed Assessment $167.59                         per lot)

13.  University Overlay Landscaping Operation and Maintenance Special Improvement Unit                           (Proposed Assessment $1.77 per front foot)


Copies of the Resolutions are on file with the Minutes Department of the Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court of Lee County and the Office of Public Resources both located in the Administration Building, 2115 Second Street, Fort Myers, FL.


            Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed Resolutions.


            A verbatim record of the proceeding will be necessary to appeal a decision made at this hearing.  Contact the Lee County Office of Public Resources at 239-533-2737 for further information on obtaining a record.


If you have a disability that will require special assistance or accommodations for attendance at the public hearing, please call the Office of Public Resources for information.
