clasac - guided historic hike at buckingham trails preserve


clasac - guided historic hike at buckingham trails preserve

When: Saturday, June 11, 2016
8:30 AM


8790 Buckingham Road
Fort Myers, FL 33905

PLEASE BE ADVISED that one or more members of the Lee County
Conservation 20/20 Land Acquisition and Stewardship Committee (CLASAC) – Conservation 20/20 Program will attend a guided historic hike as follows:

DATE: Saturday, June 11, 2016
What: Guided Historic Hike at: Buckingham Trails Preserve led by
Conservation 20/20 Staff and military historian, Jim Zbick
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

(Approximate time frame 1 and ½ to 2 hours for field hike)
Where: 8790 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers, FL 33905.
One or more members of the Conservation 20/20 Committee, known as CLASAC may attend the historic hike listed above led by Conservation 20/20 staff and Jim Zbick, a military historian at the Southwest Florida Military Museum & Library. Members of the
public are welcome, but must provide their own transportation and other accommodations as necessary. The Board of County Commissioners make final decisions regarding land management and stewardship of preserves. Please register to attend this hike by calling Jason Boeckman on Tel 239-204-1125 or emailing
