conservation 20/20 site inspection nomination 551


conservation 20/20 site inspection nomination 551

When: Friday, April 29, 2016
8:30 AM


Flagpole at the Ding Darling Visitor & Education Center
One Wildlife Drive
Sanibel, Florida 33957.

Nomination 551 (8.15+/- acres) 
STRAP No.:      12-46-21-T3-00007.1030
Location map attached

The Ding Darling Visitor and Education Center is located on Sanibel-Captiva Road two miles west of Tarpon Bay Road.  Signage will point you to the entrance however some navigation systems may direct you to the end of the Drive (four miles further).  Please note:  If you pass the Sanibel Middle School you have gone too far. 

Attendees should wear appropriate shoes/clothing and be prepared for sun and insect exposure. 

Members of the public are welcome, but must provide their own transportation and other accommodations as necessary.  No final decisions on acquisition of the property will be made during the site inspection. The Board of County Commissioners will make final decisions regarding acquisition of property. For questions, directions or other information related to the site inspection please call Cathy Olson (239) 533-7455 or email at

Link to event on Conservation 20/20 Calendar
