Status: Current
For Department: Parks and Rec
Details: In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, these two facilities were significantly affected, with most sections remaining closed due to safety considerations. Promptly following the natural disaster, Lee County, in close coordination with FEMA, undertook an evaluation of the extent of the damage and secured funding for subsequent repairs.
Presently, Lee County is in the process of selecting a design firm to initiate the production of essential design plans, obtain permits, and provide final construction cost estimates. This will pave the way for the reconstruction of these two areas.
Estimated Completion Date: 1/1/2025
Location: 27890 Hickory Blvd, Bonita Springs, FL 34134[
Cost: $250,000
Funding Source: Federal Funds.
Project Manager: Mario A. Puente, PE-CGC
Phone: 239-910-9373
Engineer: TBD
Architect: TBD