notice of election non-binding referendum


notice of election non-binding referendum

When: Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Where: Old Lee County Courthouse
2120 Main Street
Fort Myers, Florida 33901

​PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, there will be conducted a non-binding referendum to be held as part of the general election on the question of whether to continue to use general revenue funds to acquire, restore, improve, and manage land under the existing Lee County Conservation 20/20 Land Program, pursuant to Lee County Ordinance 15-08. This form of the ballot will read substantially as follows:

Conservation 20/20 Non-Binding Referendum Ballot Language:

Official Ballot
Conservation 20/20 Non-Binding Referendum

Do you approve of Lee County continuing to use general revenue funds to acquire, restore, improve, and manage land for conservation, surface water management, water quality, water recharge and supply, flood control, wildlife habitat, passive public recreation, and open space purposes, pursuant to Lee County Ordinance 15-08 (commonly known as the Lee County Conservation 20/20 Land Program)?

Yes     _______

No       _______

The election will be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. All duly registered voters of Lee County may participate in the election. A copy of this Notice and a copy of the proposed Amendments are on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lee County, Florida, Minutes Office. The public may inspect or copy the proposed amendments during regular business hours at the Minutes Office located in the Courthouse Administration Building, 2115 Second Street, Fort Myers, Florida.

​Information concerning voter registration and precinct locations may be obtained from the Office of the Supervisor of Elections, Lee County Constitutional Complex, 2480 Thompson Street, Fort Myers, Florida. Phone: (239) 533-8683.
