Native trees are protected from removal and abuse on subdivision, commercial and industrial development sites. Barricades are required to be placed around all trees that will be retained on development sites prior to the start of clearing or construction.
Environmental Sciences staff conducts inspections of the installed barricades prior to the start of construction and the issuance of the tree permit.
Vegetation Removal Permit is required for the clearing of trees for any development reason, including existing developments and the construction of new developments. Removal of trees and other native vegetation on Agricultural (AG) zoned property that is being converted to bonafide agricultural use is done through a Notice of Clearing (NOC). ES staff review NOC applications for environmental issues, including protected species and wetlands.
A permit is required for the removal of native vegetation and trees in accordance with the Tree Protection section of the Lee County Land Development Code
(Chapter 14).
The Different Areas of Vegetation Removal:
Please call 239-533-8585 with any questions.