Rent/Mortgage & Water

Assistance for Past-Due Rent, Mortgage, or Water Bills

You may be eligible for assistance with past-due rent, mortgage, or water bills if you have experienced an unexpected financial crisis.

Qualifying circumstances include:
  • Temporary loss of income due to situations such as domestic violence, job loss, reduced work hours, or a medical crisis.
  • Unexpected expenses such as funeral costs, medical/dental bills, or emergency home repairs.
Please note: Assistance is subject to the availability of funds.

Eligibility Criteria
Complete this application if any of the following apply to you:
  • You have a Section 8 Voucher and need help with move-in costs.
  • You are literally homeless (e.g., living in a car, park, etc.), have identified a housing unit, and need assistance with move-in costs.
  • You have been served an eviction notice (3-day notice) or a Code Enforcement Letter to Vacate.
  • You are staying with friends or family without being on the lease, have identified a housing unit, and need help with move-in costs.
  • Your lease is not being renewed, you have identified a housing unit, and require assistance with move-in costs.
  • You have past-due rent or mortgage payments.
Residents of Lee County seeking assistance with past-due mortgage payments or rental move-in expenses must apply using the application link below. Eligibility is based on household income, composition, and funding source requirements.

Applicants must demonstrate a loss of income or an unforeseen financial crisis occurring within the six months prior to the application date.

Application Availability:
  • The online application portal is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 AM to Noon.
  • Applications are not accepted on holidays when our office is closed.
  • A maximum of 20 applications will be accepted each day. Once this limit is reached, the application portal will close.
Please note that completing an application does not guarantee eligibility for utility or housing assistance. Assistance is dependent upon the availability of funds. If you receive an error message upon submitting your application, it indicates that the daily limit has been met. This is NOT a website issue. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to try again during the next application period.

**NEW FUNDING** Hurricane Ian Rent/Mortgage and Relocation/Move-In Assistance

Lee County has received Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Disaster Relief Supplemental Funding (DRSF) that will provide assistance to residents with unmet housing needs related to the impact of Hurricane Ian.

Grant funds are intended for assistance with past due rent or mortgage, relocation move-in cost assistance, and temporary emergency housing accommodations if necessary.  

Eligibility Requirements:
  • You must have unmet housing needs as a direct result of Hurricane Ian.
  • Have established residency in Lee County at the time of Hurricane Ian.  
  • Must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.
  • You must be residing in or approved for a housing unit if applying for move in assistance. 
  • You must have sufficient income to sustain your housing after receiving assistance.
Please select the Apply Online button below to submit an application for assistance with unmet housing needs related to the impact of Hurricane Ian. A response to each question is required for your application to be considered complete. Upon submission of your application, you will be contacted by Human and Veteran Services staff to review your application and assess your eligibility for assistance and discuss submission of any required documentation. Applicants who fail to respond or submit requested documentation may be denied benefits or required to reapply.

Submission of an application does not guarantee aid. Assistance is subject to the availability of funds. Applications are prioritized based on the urgency of the need.

Electric Bill Assistance

Due to funding availability, Lee County Human & Veteran Services will only be accepting a limited number of applications per weekday submitted through our online application portal. The application portal is open at 8:00 AM and closes once the maximum number of applications are received for that day. PAPER APPLICATIONS WILL NO LONGER BE ACCEPTED. Applications are being accepted for the following federal priority groups:

  • Households with a member 60 years or older
  • Households with a member with a documentable disability
  • Households with a child 5 years or younger 

Applications not falling within one of the priority groups noted above will be automatically denied.  

No money, cash or check will be requested or received from customers in this office. If an employee of this office asks you for money, please report this to the Family Impact Program Manager at 239-533-2906.

Home Repair Assistance

​Eligible repairs include:

  • Roof repair or replacement
  • Plumbing
  • ​Septic repair or replacement
  • Heating and air conditioning
  • ​Well repair or replacement
  • Window replacement
  • ​Electrical
  • ​Door repair or replacement
The minimum assistance amount is $1,000. 

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Live in unincorporated Lee County (not within a city).
  • Be a U.S. citizen or resident.
  • Have annual income at or below HUD's income levels
  • Have owned and continuously lived in your home for at least the past 12 months.
  • Be current on all mortgages, property taxes, and homeowner association fees.
  • Obtain hazard and flood insurance (if applicable) prior to assistance.
  • Own and occupy your home for the duration of the deferred mortgage.
  • Property must be homesteaded and be free of excessive clutter.
  • Property shall not be listed for sale by owner or by a realtor at the time of assistance.
  • Property cannot be included in any open bankruptcy proceedings, foreclosure, or probate.
  • All persons listed on the deed to the property on record with the Lee County Clerk's office must reside at the property
Program Exclusions: 
  • Maintenance type repairs are not eligible. 
  • Married couples living separately are not eligible. 
  • Mobile homes located on rented or leased lots are not eligible. 
  • Mold damage exceeding the area of 1 square foot is not eligible. 

Home Purchase Assistance

Existing Home (HOME Program)
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP Program)

Lee County buys foreclosed homes in target areas at below appraised value, then rehabilitates properties into desirable homes. Lee County then sells the home to qualified homebuyers, providing a soft second mortgage and reasonable closing cost assistance to help subsidize buyer costs.

Homebuyers must have an annual household income at or below income levels, attend homebuyer education class from a HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency, be able to obtain a commitment for a mortgage from a lending institution, and occupy property as their primary/principal residence.

Indigent Cremation Services

If you have a family member, who has recently passed away and cannot afford cremation services, you may qualify to have your relative cremated at no cost. The Indigent Cremation program does not provide for a funeral, memorial viewing, visitation, or any other services.

Qualifications for the program include:

  • The person must have died in Lee County
  • The deceased person must not have any form of life insurance
  • Your household income must not exceed 100% of the federal poverty guidelines, and household assets not exceed the maximum amount
Documentation requirements:
  • Social security card or other document verifying deceased person's social security number
  • Photo ID of the deceased person
  • Photo ID of applicant
  • Social Security Card of Applicant
  • Proof of all of household income
  • Return completed application and required documents to Lee County Human & Veteran Services
  • Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified regarding your eligibility
  • Staff will authorize the retrieval of the body

Completed application and required documentation must be returned in person or via mail to:
Lee County Human & Veteran Services
Attn: Indigent Cremation
2440 Thompson St.
Fort Myers, FL 33901

Housing Opportunities for People with HIV/AIDS

If you have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, you may qualify for homeless prevention or help to secure permanent housing if you are experiencing homelessness. The goal of HOPWA is to ensure that you can remain medication compliant and self-sufficient through stable housing.  
  • You must be in compliance with your medical provider
  • You must meet income eligibility requirements with an annual income at or below 80% of the area median income.
  • Be willing to work with HOPWA staff towards self-sufficiency.
Referrals are accepted by completing this simple application. HOPWA maintains STRICT confidentiality guidelines.
