Newly Posted Traffic Orders
TRO NO. 1120 Effective February 20, 2025
Location: East St., Interstate Ct., Mercantile St.
This traffic order directs that a "No Parking" restriction be established within the right of way at the above-named locations, in accordance with the attached detail (WO 25-12). This regulation shall be effective upon
posting of the signs.
TRO No 1119 Effective January 16, 2025
Location: Ordinance Rd & Dale Ave N.
This traffic order directs that the existing single-stop intersection at Ordinance Rd and Dale Ave N., with Ordinance Rd being designated as the preferential street shall be converted to an All-Way Stop Control, in accordance with the attached details (WO 25-02 & WO 25-03).
TRO 1118 Effective October 15, 2024
Location: 52nd Street SW between Meadow Road and Alabama Road S
This traffic order directs this existing Two-Way Stop Control at Gene Ave S and52nd St SW, with 52nd St SW designated as the preferential street shall be converted to an All-Way Stop Control, at the above-named location, in accordance with the attached details (WO 24-51 & WO 24-52).
TRO No. 1117 Effective October 16, 2024
Location: E 5th St. (BTW Jefferson Ave. and Columbus Ave.)
This traffic order directs that this existing Two-Way Stop Control at E. 5th St. and McCarthur Ave./ Causeway Dr. with E. 5th St. designated as the preferential street shall be converted to an All-Way Stop Control, in accordance with the attached details (WO 24-45 & WO 24-46).
TRO No. 1115 Effective August 1, 2024
Location: 7th Street W & Colin Avenue N
This traffic order directs that this existing Two-Way Stop Control Colin Ave N and 7th St W, with 7th St W designated as the preferential street shall be converted to an All-Way Stop Control at the above-named location, in accordance with the attached detail (WO 24-35 & WO 24-36).
TRO No. 1114 Effective July 19, 2024
Location: Floyd Avenue S and 27th Street SW This traffic order directs that an existing One-Way Stop Control on 27th St SW, with Floyd Ave S designated as the preferential street shall be converted to an All-Way Stop Control at the above-named location, in accordance with the attached detail (WO 24-31 & WO 24-32).
TRO No. 1113 Effective July 3, 2024
Location: Barcelona Avenue (west side of the road) between 14075 Caribbean Blvd. & 14074 Nevis Dr.
This traffic order directs a No Parking restriction be placed for Off-Road Parking (Parallel and Angle) in the Barcelona Avenue right-of-way is now prohibited and public notice given by posted official traffic control signs at the above-named location in accordance with the attached detail (Work Order 24-30).
TRO No. 1112 Effective June 3, 2024
Location: Pine Island Road NW, starting at approximately 140' southwest of 4900, and continuing west of 4950.
This traffic order directs the establishment of a "No Parking" zone shall be created for all off-road parking (Parallel and Angle) within the Pine Island Road NW right-of-way and is now prohibited and public notice given by posted official traffic control signs at the above-named location, in accordance with the attached detail (Work Order 24-24).
TRO No. 1111 Effective May 14, 2024
Location: Winkler Rd (NB) and Summerlin Rd
This traffic order directs that "Right Turn on Red Must Yield to U-Turn" restriction be established for the northbound to eastbound right turn movement in accordance with the attached detail (WO 24-22).This regulation shall be effective upon posting of the R10-30 assembly.
TRO No. 1110 Effective May 7, 2024
Location: Pine Island Road NW, from west of 4915 to the east end of 4875
This traffic order directs that Off-Road Parking (Parallel and Angle) in the Pine Island Road right-of-way is prohibited and public notice given by posted official traffic control signs at the above-named location, in accordance with the attached detail.
TRO No. 1109 Effective March 8, 2024
Location: E 21st Street (Between Joel Boulevard and Hines Avenue)
This traffic order directs that a 35 mile per hour speed zone be established for E 21st Street eastbound from Joel Boulevard to approximately 400' past Jackson Avenue and westbound from approximately 120' past Hamilton Avenue to Joel Boulevard.
a 45 mile per hour speed zone be established for E 21st Street eastbound from approximately 400' past Jackson Avenue to Hines Avenue and westbound from Hines Avenue to approximately 120' past Hamilton Avenue at the above-named location, in accordance with the attached detail (Work Order 24-10).I
TRO No. 1108 Effective February 20, 2024
Location: Ben Hill Griffin Parkway & Estero Parkway Extension
This traffic order directs that A Right Turn on Red Must Yield to U-Turn restriction be established for the southbound to westbound right turn movement in accordance with the attached detail.
TRO No. 1107 Effective January 24, 2024
Location: Del Prado Boulevard & SE 12 Terrace
This traffic order directs that A Right Turn on Red Must Yield to U-Turn be established for the westbound to northbound right turn movement in accordance with the attached detail.
TRO No. 1105 Effective August 14, 2023
Location: 4th Street W. @ Jack Avenue N. and 4th Street W. @ Harry Avenue N.
This traffic order directs that the existing 2-way stop controls with 4th Street W. designated as the preferential street be changed to All Way Stop Controls at the above named locations, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1104 Effective August 3, 2023
Location: River Ridge Boulevard and Fifth Street
This traffic order directs that the existing 2-way stop control with River Ridge Boulevard designated as the preferential street be changed to an All Way Stop control.
TRO No. 1103 Effective July 21, 2023
Location: Griffin Dr, eastside, from Soccer Drive to a point approximately 310 feet south of Cypress Cay Drive
This Traffic order directs, No Parking zone be established at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1102 Effective July 21, 2023
Location: Griffin Drive, both sides, from S.R. 82 to Little Gem Circle
This traffic order directs, No Parking zones be established on both sides of Griffin Drive at the above-named location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1101 Effective July 18, 2023
Location: South Loop Boulevard, north side, from a point 340 feet east of Business Way to a point 550 feet east of Business Way.
This traffic order directs, No Parking zone be established at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1100 Effective May 30, 2023 Location: Trailwinds Drive, north side, from Beacon Boulevard to west end of Villas Elementary School property, a distance of approximately 800 feet. This traffic order directs, a NO PARKING restriction in the right-of-way be established at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1099 Effective May 30, 2023 Location: Trailwinds Drive, south side, from Cleveland Avenue (US 41) to Beacon Boulevard This traffic order directs, a NO PARKING restriction in the right-of-way be established at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1098 Effective May 30, 2023 Location: South Airport Road, southside from S Cleveland Avenue (US 41) to S. Danley Drive
This traffic order directs, a NO PARKING restriction in the right-of-way be established at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1096 Effective April 13, 2023
Location: Yvonne Avenue S at 9th St SW, 10th St SW, 12th St SW and 13th St SW
This traffic order directs, the stop controls on Yvonne Avenue S be reversed and Yvonne Avenue S be designated as the preferential street at the above location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1095 Effective April 13, 2023
Location: Bruce Avenue S at 9th St SW, 10th St SW, 12th St SW and 13th St SW
This traffic order directs, the stop controls on Bruce Avenue S be reversed and Bruce Avenue S be designated as the preferential street at the above-named locations, in accordance with th attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1097 Effective April 4, 2023
Location: Creek Drive from Park Road to South Cul-de-sac
This traffic order directs that boat trailer parking be prohibited at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1093 Effective March 6, 2023
Location: Westgate Boulevard at 6th Street West
This traffic order directs that a U-Turn restriction be implemented for southbound motorists at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1092 Effective March 6, 2023
Location: Westgate Boulevard at 8th Street West/Timmers Lane
This traffic order directs that existing full median opening be channelized allowing only NB/SB left turns at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1091 Effective February 2, 2023
Location: Alico Road, westbound, from west of Airport Haul Road to west of Ben Hill Griffin
This traffic order directs that trucks be restricted from using the left or inside travel lane at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail. This regulation shall be effective upon posting.
TRO No. 1090 Effective September 23, 2022
Location: Touchstone Road from US 41 to Evergreen Road
Implements a thru truck restriction for Touchstone Road.
TRO No.1089 Effective August 30, 2022
Location: Fiddlesticks Boulevard, north and south of Cody Lee Road/9300 Daniels and Palomino Lane, north of Jobe Road/Kings Crossing Road.
This traffic order is based on field observations vehicles are making U-turns at the end of the center median that exists through the intersections of Fiddlesticks Blvd at Cody Lee Rd/Daniels 9300 and Palomino Lane at Jobe Road/Kings Crossing Road. The roadway is not wide enough to facilitate U-turns at these locations, causing vehicles to make a 3-phase maneuver. These U-turn actions pose a safety concern and
should be restricted.
TRO No. 1087 Effective July 22, 2022 Location: Alico Road, for the length of the westbound acceleration lane west of CEMEX Mine Entrance. This traffic order directs that No Parking" and "No Standing" prohibitions be established on the north side of Alice Road within the limits of the existing acceleration lane located west of the CEMEX Mine at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail.
TRO No. 1086 Effective June 2, 2022
Location: Orange River Boulevard & Lakeside Club Boulevard
This traffic order directs that the existing 2-way stop control with Orange River Boulevard (southbound) and Lakeside Club Boulevard (northbound) as preferential movements be converted to an
All Way Stop Control.
TRO No. 1085 Effective May 17, 2022Location: Morningmist Lane & Charwood Avenue S.
This traffic order directs a NO PARKING prohibition be establishes on te east side of Charwood Ave. S north of Morningmist Lane; AND a "No Parking on Grass" prohibition be established on the north and south sides of Morningmist Lane.
TRO No. 1083 Effective March 4, 2022Location: 6th Street, west side, from Center Road to a point approximately 115 south of Center RoadThis order directs a NO PARKING restriction in the right-of-way be established at the above named location, in accordance with the attached detail.
TRO No. 1082 Effective February 17, 2022Location: South Pointe Boulevard @ Rutenberg Park Entrance/Exit (N. of Foxglove Circle)
This traffic order directs that the existing "Yield" regulatory controls at the marked crosswalks be changed to "Stop Here For Pedestrians" regulatory controls.
TRO No. 1081 Effective July 21, 2021Location: Sara Avenue S @ 35th, 36th, 37th, 38th, and 39th Street SWThis traffic order directs that the existing 2-way Stop controls on Sara Avenue S be reversed designating Sara Avenue S as the preferential street at the above named locations.
TRO No. 1080 Effective May 26, 2021Location: Gladiolus Drive, from Alexandria Court/Hagie Drive to A & W Bulb RoadThis traffic order directs that a 45 Miles Per Hour Speed Zone be established for eastbound from Hagie Drive to A & W Bulb Road, and for westbound from A & W Bulb Road to a point approximately 600 feet east of Alexandria Court; AND a 35 Miles Per Hour Speed Zone be established westbound from a point approximately 600 feet east of Alexandria Court to Alexandria Court/Hagie Drive.
TRO No. 1079 Effective May 21, 2021Location: Stringfellow Road, from a point approximately 1,000 feet north of St. Jude Boulevard to a point approximately 400 feet north of Laratonda Road, a distance of 1/4 mile.This traffic order directs that the existing 45 Miles Per Hour Zone be extended from a point 1,000 feet north of St. Jude Boulevard to a point approximately 400 feet north of Laratonda Road.
TRO No. 1078 Effective May 17, 2021Location: Stringfellow Road, from Birdsong Lane to Kingfish Road (a distance of 1.3 miles)This traffic order directs that the posted 55 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit by changed to 45 Miles Per Hour at the above named location.
TRO No. 1077 Effective April 29, 2021Location: Orange Grove Boulevard, from Hancock Bridge Parkway to Birkdale AvenueThis traffic order directs that the posted 30 MPH Speed Limit by changed to a 35 MPH Speed Limit at the above named location.
TRO No. 1076 Effective March 29, 2021Location: John Morris Road, from a point approximately 2,500 feet south of Summerlin Road to the South Terminus of John Morris RoadThis traffic order directs that the existing 25 Miles Per Hour Zone be expanded north to include an 1,800-foot 35 Miles Per Hour posted segment at the above named location.
TRO No. 1075 Effective March 29, 2021Location: John Morris Road, from Summerlin Road to a point approximately 2,500 feet south of Summerlin RoadThis traffic order directs that the posted 35 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit be changed to a 30 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit at the above named location.
TRO No. 1074 Effective April 21, 2021Location: Abrams Boulevard and Centennial BoulevardThis traffic order directs that the existing 1-way Stop Control with Abrams Boulevard designated as the preferential street be changed to an All-Way Stop Control at the above named location.
TRO No. 1073 Effective April 21, 2021Location: Abrams Boulevard, from Lee Boulevard to Buckingham Road (1 mile); AND Centennial Boulevard, from Abrams Boulevard to Gunnery Road (1.5 miles)This traffic order directs that the posted 30 MPH speed zones on both roads be changed to 35 MPH Speed Zones at the above named location.
TRO No. 1072 Effective February 10, 2021Location: York Road, Cul-de-sac, located south of Shell LaneThis traffic order directs that the cul-de-sac be posted with NO PARKING, 12:00 AM to 6:00 PM parking restrictions at the above named location.
TRO No. 1071 Effective February 24, 2021Location: Gene Avenue N @ 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th and 58th Street WThis traffic order directs that the existing 2-way Stop controls on Gene Avenue N be reversed designating Gene Avenue N as the preferential street at the above named locations.
TRO No. 1070 Effective February 24, 2021Location: Ida Avenue N @ 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, and 58th Street WThis traffic order directs that the existing 2-way Stop controls on Ida Avenue N be reversed designating Ida Avenue N as the preferential street at the above names locations.
TRO No. 1069 Effective January 29, 2021Location: Tice Street, south side, from Lynneda Avenue to a point approximately 500 feet west of Lynneda AvenueThis traffic order directs that there be established a "No Parking, SCHOOL DAYS, 7:00-9:00 A.M. & 2:00-4:00 P.M." zone at the above named location.
TRO No. 1068 Effective February 24, 2021Location: Magnolia Drive, from a point approximately 150 feet south of Bayline Drive to East Mariana AvenueThis traffic order directs that a No Thru Truck prohibition is established at the above named location.
TRO No. 1067 Effective January 8, 2021Location: Airport Haul Road, from Alico Road to Lee County Water Plant Access Road, a distance of approximately 1.25 milesThis traffic order directs that the posted 35 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit be changed to 45 Miles Per Hour at the above named location.
TRO No. 1066 Effective December 18, 2020Location: Sara Avenue S @ 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th Streets SWThis traffic order directs that the existing two-way Stop controls on Sara Avenue S be reversed designating Sara Avenue S as the preferential street at the above named locations.
TRO No. 1065 Effective December 9, 2020Location: Bavaria Road, both sides, from 300 feet east of Amberwood Road to Matterhorn RoadThis traffic order directs that No Parking regulations be established at the above named location.
TRO No. 1064 Effective December 7, 2020Location: Port Comfort Road, from McGregor Boulevard north to End of County Maintenance (a distance of approximately 1,100 feet)This traffic order directs that No Parking in Lee County Right-of-Way be established at the above named location.
TRO No. 1063 Effective October 26, 2020Location: Taylor Road, from N. River Road to End of County MaintenanceThis traffic order directs that the unposted speed limit be designated as a 25 MPH maximum speed limit at the above named location.
TRO No. 1062 Effective October 28, 2020Location: Connie Avenue N @ 8th Street W and Connie Avenue N @ 11th Street W
This traffic order directs that the existing two-way Stop controlled intersections with 8th and 11 Streets W as preferential streets be converted to All-Way Stop Controls at the above named locations, Connie Avenue N @ 8th Street W and Connie Avenue N @ 11th Street W.
TRO No. 1061 Effective October 28, 2020Location: Luckett Road, from Ortiz Avenue to Golden Lake DriveThis traffic order directs that the posted 30 MPH Speed Limit be changed to a 35 MPH Speed Limit at the above named location, Luckett Road, from Ortiz Avenue to Golden Lake Drive.
TRO No. 1060 Effective September 9, 2020
Location: Andrea Lane (E of US 41), Burner Lane, Gamma Drive, and Hemingway Drive
This traffic order directs that the posted 40 Miles Per Hour speed limit be changed to a 35 Miles Per Hour Speed Zone.
TRO No. 1059 Effective September 9, 2020
Location: Bass Road, from Summerlin Road to a point approximately 600 feet north of HealthPark Circle / Park Royal Drive
This traffic order directs that the existing 40 MPH Speed Limit be changed to a 35 MPH Speed Zone at the above named location.
TRO No. 1058 Effective July 23, 2020
Location: Douglas Ave S @ 18th St SW, 17th St SW, and 16th St SW
This traffic order directs that the existing Stop signs on Douglas Avenue S be reversed to the side streets with Douglas Avenue S designated as the preferential street.
TRO No. 1057 Effective July 14, 2020
Location: Crystal Drive, from US 41 to Metro Parkway
This traffic order directs that the existing 30 MPH Speed Limit be changed to to a 35 MPH Speed Zone at the above named location, Crystal Drive from US 41 to Metro Parkway.
TRO No. 1056 Effective July 8, 2020
Location: Del Prado Boulevard, from Coronado Parkway to Hancock Bridge Parkway
This traffic order directs that the existing 45 MPH Speed Limit be change to a 40 MPH Speed Limit at the above named location.
TRO No. 1055 Effective April 13, 2020
Location: Gunnery Road (Southbound) @ Lee Boulevard
This traffic order directs that a No U-Turn prohibition be established for southbound Gunnery Road @ Lee Boulevard at the above named location.
TRO No. 1054 Effective April 3, 2020
Location: Orange River Boulevard, from Buckingham Road to a point approximately 300 feet east of Lorraine Drive
This traffic order directs that the posted 35 Miles Per Hour segment from Buckingham Road to a point approximately 160 feet west of Long Lake Drive be designated as a 45 Miles Per Hour zone consistent with the current posting of 45 Miles Per Hour from 160 feet west of Long Lake Drive to a point approximately 300 feet east of Lorraine Drive which shall remain in effect at the above named location, Orange River Boulevard, from Buckingham Road to a point approximately 300 feet east of Lorraine Drive.
TRO No. 1053 Effective March 25, 2020
Location: Staley Road from Tice Street to Luckett Road
This traffic order directs that the posted 30 Miles Per Hour Speed Zone be revised to 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Zone at the above named location, Staley Road from Tice Street to Luckett Road.
TRO No. 1052 Effective February 17, 2020
Location: Winkler Road (southbound) approximately 155 feet south of Granite Court
This traffic order directs that a southbound No U-Turn prohibition be established at the above named location, Winkler Road (southbound) approximately 155 feet south of Granite Court.
TRO No. 1051 Effective January 24, 2020
Location: Captiva Drive from Wiles Drive to a point 3,600 feet south of Wiles Drive
This traffic order directs that there be on-road Daytime and Nighttime Golf Cart Operation Permitted subject to the requirements of Lee County Ordinance No. 09-22, and Florida Statute, Section 316.212, and conditionally approved at Captiva Drive from Wiles Drive to a point 3,600 feet south of Wiles Drive.
TRO No. 1050 Effective January 17, 2020
Location: Lochmoor Circle @ Lochness Court
This traffic order directs that the existing Stop control for northbound (NB) Lochness Court, with southbound and westbound Lochmoor Circle designated the preferential approaches, be revised to Stop Lochmoor Circle (WB), with Lochmoor Circle (SB) and Lochness Court (NB) designated the preferential movements at Lochmoor Circle at Lochness Court.
TRO No. 1049 Effective January 16, 2020
Location: Palomino Lane from Daniels Parkway to Penzance Boulevard
This traffic order directs that the posted 35 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit be revised to a 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Zone at the above named location, Palomino Lane from Daniels Parkway to Penzance Boulevard.
TRO No. 1048 Effective December 27, 2019
Location: Loma Linda Drive and Charles Road/Charles Court
This traffic order directs that the existing Stop controls on Charles Road/Charles Court be replaced with Yield controls, with Loma Linda Drive remaining the designated preferential street.
TRO No. 1047 Effective December 16, 2019
Location: Plantation Road (northbound), from Colonial Boulevard to a point approximately 725 feet south of Colonial Boulevard
This traffic order directs that the existing posted 45 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit for northbound be reduced to a 35 Miles Per Hour Speed Zone.
TRO No. 1046 Effective October 22, 2019
Location: McArthur Boulevard, from Grant Boulevard to Milwaukee Boulevard
This traffic order directs that the unposted speed limit be established as a 35 Miles Per Hour Speed Zone at McArthur Boulevard, from Grant Boulevard to Milwaukee Boulevard.
TRO No. 1045 Effective August 20, 2019
Location: Wakefield Drive, from Plantation Road to Brookshire Lake Boulevard
This traffic order directs a NO THRU TRUCK prohibition be established at Wakefield Drive, from Plantation Road to Brookshire Lake Boulevard.
TRO No. 1044 Effective August 15, 2019
Location: Thomas Sherwin Avenue S., east side, from Milwaukee Boulevard to Charles Sise Street E; and Thomas Sherwin Avenue S., west side, from a point approximately 635 feet south of Milwaukee Boulevard to Charles Sise Street E.
This traffic order directs an existing NO PARKING, STOPPING, OR STANDING prohibition be expanded to include the above described limits at above named location.
TRO No. 1043 Effective July 19, 2019
Location: Old U.S. 41 - Eastbound at Old U.S. 41 Northbound (15980) Frontage Road - Southbound
This traffic order directs a Yield control be established at this uncontrolled intersection to control the Old U.S. 41 - Eastbound approach at the above named location.
TRO No. 1042 Effective July 9, 2019
Location: Joel Boulevard from North Avenue to 500 feet north of E. 12th Street
This traffic order directs the posted 45 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit be lowered to 40 Miles Per Hour.
TRO No. 1041 Effective July 9, 2019
Location: Leeland Heights Boulevard from Maryland Road to North Avenue
This traffic order directs the posted 45 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit be lowered to 40 Miles Per Hour.
TRO No. 1040 Effective June 25, 2019
Location: W. 6th Street, from Williams Avenue to Hibiscus Avenue
This traffic order directs the posted 40 Miles Per Hour Speed Zone be lowered to 35 Miles Per Hour.
TRO No. 1039 Effective June 25, 2019
Location: June Avenue N. at 48th Street W., 49th Street W. and 50th Street W.
This traffic order directs the existing stop controls on June Avenue N. be reversed with June Avenue N. designated as the preferential street.
TRO No. 1038 Effective June 25, 2019
Location: Joan Avenue N. at 48th Street W., 49th Street W., and 50th Street W.
This traffic order directs the existing stop controls on Joan Avenue N. be reversed with Joan Avenue N. designated as the preferential street.
TRO No. 1037 Effective June 11, 2019
Location: Southwell Drive from Plantation Road to Brookshire Lake Boulevard.
This traffic order directs a No Thru Truck prohibition be established on Southwell Drive from Plantation Road to Brookshire Lake Boulevard.
TRO No. 1036 Effective April 24, 2019
Location: Harlem Heights Subdivision (All County-maintained streets south of Gladiolus Drive including Concourse Drive, Duera Mae Drive, Hagie Drive, Robinson Street, Church Street, Joe Louis Court, Canal Street, Cooper Lane, Hager Court, New Haven Drive and Forest Knoll Court)
This traffic order directs the subdivision-wide maximum speed limit be 25 Miles Per Hour.
TRO No. 1035 Effective March 7, 2019
Location: Hanna Avenue N. at 18th Street W., 20th Street W., 21st Street W., 22nd Street W., 23rd Street W., 24th Street W., 25th Street W., and 26th Street W.
This traffic order directs the existing Stop controls on Hanna Avenue N. be reversed with Hanna Avenue N. designated as the preferential street.
No updates at this time
Boca Grande
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Captiva Island
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City Of Bonita Springs
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City of Cape Coral
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Fort Myers
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Fort Myers Beach
TRO No. 1030 Effective June 5, 2018
Location: Fishermans Wharf (Eastbound/Westbound), north side, from Fishermans Wharf (Southbound) west to San Carlos Drive; and San Carlos Drive, east side, from Fishermans Wharf (Eastbound/Westbound) to a point approximately 540 feet north of Fishermans Wharf (Eastbound/Westbound).
This traffic order directs a No Parking prohibition be established at the above named location.
Lehigh Acres
TRO No. 1032 Effective November 28, 2018
Location: Colin Avenue N. at 9th Street W.
This traffic order directs Stop controls on Colin Avenue N. be reversed with Colin Avenue N. designated as the preferential street.
TRO No. 1031 Effective September 14, 2018
Location: Ruth Avenue N at 68th, 69th, 70th, 71st, 72nd, 73rd and 74th Streets W
This traffic order directs the existing two-way Stop controls on Ruth Avenue N be reversed designating Ruth Avenue N as the preferential street.
North Fort Myers
TRO No. 1033 Effective January 17, 2019
Location: Redlin Street at Brown Road; and Redlin Street (Eastbound) at Woodward Avenue
This traffic order directs Stop signs be erected at the non-posted Redlin Street approach at Brown Road and at the Redlin Street (Eastbound) approach at Woodward Avenue, with Brown Road and Woodward Avenue designated the preferential streets.
Pine Island
TRO No. 1034 Effective February 19, 2019
Location: Curlew Drive and Sandpiper Drive, from Stringfellow Road to West Terminal; Flamingo Drive, from Mallard Avenue to West Terminal; and Mallard Avenue, from Curlew Drive to Sandpiper Drive
This traffic order directs the posted 30 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit be lowered to 25 Miles Per Hour.
South Fort Myers
No updates at this time