Status: Completed
For Department: Human and Veteran Services
Details: This project has finished the design phase and has started construction. This project consists of adding sidewalks and new drainage, where necessary, to five streets within the Pine Manor Neighborhood and one sidewalk along Center Road and Sixth Street in the Page Park Neighborhood making the connection to the transit stop on Danley Drive. The streets being improved within Pine Manor consist of Third Avenue, Seventh Avenue, and the connection along Oak Drive into Hunter Park. The project will focus on providing accessible routes to existing sidewalks and further improve Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant connectivity and make minor safety improvements.
Estimated Completion Date: 4/30/2022
Location: Fort Myers[
Cost: $1,882,299
Funding Source: HUD
Project Manager: Ashley Koza
Phone: (239) 770-1689
Contractor:Stevens and Layton
Engineer: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.