Please see event details for information on registration requirements.
Special services like sign language interpretation and assistive listening can be provided at events to patrons upon request. Please give at least up to five business days notice to library staff in order to schedule services at events. Call 239-479-4636 or stop by the reference desk at your local library.
Favorite Authors On Demand
Each month we’re featuring bestselling, award-winning and highly acclaimed authors from around the world in our online author event series.
Come prepared to ask questions and interact with presenters as they cover a wide range of fiction and nonfiction genres. Registration is required.

Subscribe to our Events & Programs Newsletter
Each month we'll send you information by email about events, programs, activities and resources at your local branch. Subscribe to as many branches as you like. In-branch events listed are specific to the branch email newsletter you select.
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Online Storytime Anytime!

Enjoy a prerecorded storytime at home or on the go with Online Storytime Anytime! or Bilingual Storytime Anytime! Both are available on our YouTube channel.
These videos are a condensed version of our in-person storytimes. Programs include songs, stories, rhymes and caregiver tips.