About Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
ILL is a service that allows for lending between library systems. Patrons can request materials not owned by Lee County Library System (LCLS) through Interlibrary Loan. In return, the LCLS lends materials to other libraries for their patrons.​

Items published within the last six (6) months are not available through this service. Use our Patron Purchase Request forms to recommend items not in our collection.
LCLS follows ILL protocols established by American Library Association, Florida Library Information Network and Online Computer Library Center.
Who can use ILL?
Anyone who has a current Lee County Library card and is in good standing can use the service.
Reciprocal borrowing card holders should ask about ILL services in their home libraries. Patrons from outside the LCLS system with a Southwest Florida Library Network reciprocal borrowing card cannot use our ILL.
How do I place an ILL?
Before placing a request through ILL, check the library’s online catalog. If LCLS owns the item, please click “request item” to place a hold on it.

If you do not find what you need in the LCLS catalog:
You can also submit requests in your local branch at the reference desk or by calling Telephone Reference (239) 479-4636.
How many requests can I place?
You may have three active requests at a time, including photocopy requests.
Are there any charges for ILL?
Through our participation in resource-sharing networks, we can obtain most materials free of charge. However, some materials can only be found in lending libraries that charge a fee to borrow or photocopy materials.
When you make a request you will be asked if you are willing to pay. If your answer is $0, we will only look for free lenders. Materials requiring a borrowing fee are not ordered until we receive confirmation you agree to the charge. Payment is required for these items upon pick up or use at the library, however you will be responsible for the charge even if you do not pick up the item.
Are there any late return or lost charges?
  • All ILL material must be returned on time. Fines for overdue material will be $.20 per day.
  • If item is lost or damaged, the lending library will determine the replacement charges.
How long will it take to get my materials?
It normally takes 4 to 8 weeks to either obtain the material or exhaust all avenues for obtaining the material. The time needed depends on availability, location of material and the delivery method.
How long can I use the ILL material?
ILL material is checked out for 2 weeks.
What type of materials can I request?
You can request books, microforms and copies of articles. If we only own a book in ebook format, we will request a print copy for you. We will also request large print copies of books we do not own in that format.
Can I request genealogy materials?

The best place to start genealogical research is at the Fort Myers Regional Library, where there are many resources available.

You can request genealogy material through Interlibrary Loan. However, most public libraries do not circulate their genealogy items.

If you can provide specific book or record citations, we can request photocopies from other libraries.

Some genealogy material is available only in microfiche or microfilm format. There are microform reader/printer machines at our Cape Coral and Fort Myers locations. If the material is available in microform format, you will need to use it at one of these locations.

More on Interlibrary Loan and Genealogical Research.pdf
Who can I contact about Interlibrary Loan?
For general Questions: Contact your local branch OR Call 239-479-4636(INFO)
For existing requests: Contact your local branch