Solicitation #: B250134MWB Project Name: Alico Road Sidewalk - Michael G Ripp Parkway to Quaker Lane
Scope of Work:
The Lee County Board of County Commissioners is seeking a qualified contractor to provide construction services for various infrastructure improvements. The project includes installing 2,400 SY of 6-inch concrete sidewalk with detectable warnings, laying 3,300 SY of sod, and installing six streetlight poles with pull boxes, conduit, power service, and wiring. Additionally, the contractor will modify the existing traffic signal to accommodate crosswalk buttons, mill 2,700 SY of asphalt, and repave the area with 500 tons of asphalt. The scope of work also involves guardrail installation, miscellaneous storm sewer improvements, signage and pavement markings, and the implementation of erosion control measures. The selected contractor must provide all necessary materials, labor, and equipment to complete the project successfully.
Pre-Bid Information: Location: Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901
Opening Date & Time: 4/1/2025
2:30 PM Contact: Monica Busbee
239-533-8859 | |
Solicitation #: B250143SAM Project Name: SR82 MRF - Off-Site Utility Improvement
Scope of Work: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners seek to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide the construction services for utility improvements including Installation of new 12” water main and connection to existing 8” water main, abandonment of existing water main, installation of 4” force main.
Pre-Bid Information: Lee County Solid Waste
10550 Buckingham Rd,
Fort Myers, Fl 33905 Date & Time: 3/11/2025
9:00 AM
Opening Date & Time: 4/8/2025
2:30 PM Contact: Sahara Morales
(239)533-1689 | |
Solicitation #: B250180JJB Project Name: Sheffield Way Channel Dredge
Scope of Work: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide dredging to the Sheffield Canal as depicted by the plan view and cross section. The work shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment and performing all tasks necessary for the dredging of approximately 2,050 cubic yards of material. The material handling, placement, and disposal will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. It will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to establish any necessary interim handling sites for the dredged material.
Opening Date & Time: 4/2/2025
2:30 PM Contact: Kevin Walker
239-533-8807 | |
Solicitation #: B250174NAT Project Name: Punta Rassa Boat Ramp Repairs: Hurricane Ian
Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide construction services for repairs needed at Punta Rassa Boat Ramp Located at 20 Sanibel Causeway, Fort Myers, FL 33908. Repairs include but are not limited to: dock repairs, erosion control, fish cleaning station with shade structure, landscaping, electrical, and signage.
Pre-Bid Information: A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference has been scheduled for the following time and location:
10:00 AM March 18, 2025 20 Sanibel Causeway Rd, Ft. Myers FL. 33908
for the purpose of discussing the proposed project. Prospective bidders are encouraged to atten Date & Time: 3/18/2025
10:00 AM
Opening Date & Time: 4/8/2025
2:30 PM Contact: Nick Trueblood
239-533-8836 | |
Solicitation #: B250151DJN Project Name: Hach Laboratory Equipment, Supplies, and Materials - Annual
Scope of Work: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Vendor to supply laboratory instrumentation and equipment, chemical reagents, materials, and supplies manufactured by Hach Company, on an as needed basis, for use by Lee County Utilities. Examples of these products include, but are not limited to, spectrophotometers, colorimeters, pH meters, ORP Meters, and consumable products such as chemical reagents used in water quality sample testing.
Opening Date & Time: 4/10/2025
2:30 PM Contact: Darvis Napier
239-533-8863 | |
Solicitation #: B250175KLB Project Name: Lee County Various Boardwalk Repairs - Group 1 - Hurricane Ian
Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to re-construct boardwalks that were destroyed by Hurricane Ian in September 2022 at the following COUNTY-owned preserves: • Caloosahatchee Regional Park: 18500 N River Rd, Alva, FL 33920 • Matanzas Pass Preserve: 199 Bay Road, Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931 • Galt Preserve: 3841 Stringfellow Road, St. James City, FL 33956 • Royal Palm Park: 300 Royal Palm Park Rd, Fort Myers, FL 33905
Pre-Bid Information: A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for April 3, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. at the Lee County Procurement Management Department, 2115 Second St. 1st Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901 Date & Time: 4/3/2025
10:00 AM
Opening Date & Time: 4/17/2025
2:30 PM Contact: Kacey Bell
239-533-8835 | |
Solicitation #: Q250185MWB Project Name: Ferrous Metals Recycling
Scope of Work: Lee County is seeking qualified vendors to perform ferrous metal recycling. The County is requesting a fixed price (per 100 pounds) for mixed types of primarily ferrous metals (including white goods).
Opening Date & Time: 3/31/2025
2:30 PM Contact: Monica Busbee
(239) 533-8859 | |
Solicitation #: B250106LND Project Name: Orange River Blvd. Sidewalk and Watermain Replacement
Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Contractor to provide multiple construction services on Orange River Blvd. Work shall include, but not be limited to; Construction services for the installation of 2,200 feet of new water main; 4,300 linear feet of a six foot wide sidewalk / driveways, six inches think; 3,000 linear feet of storm sewer pipe with storm structures; 1,000 linear feet of concrete curb and gutter; removal of 1,300 linear feet of AC water main, plug and grout; removal of 2,600 linear feet of water main; installation of street lights and a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon; modification to the signal at SR 80 and Orange River; and miscellaneous asphalt paving and patching.
Pre-Bid Information: No meeting scheduled at this time. Location: Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901
Opening Date & Time: 4/30/2025
2:30 PM Contact: Lilla Davis
239-533-8857 | |