
Solicitation #: B250022KLB
Project Name: Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase 2 Construction with Daniels Parkway Widening

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide construction services to build a new four (4) lane divided roadway segment from the termination point of Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase 1 Construction to the existing two (2) lane Fiddlesticks Blvd. alignment and widen the existing two (2) lane undivided section of Fiddlesticks Blvd. to a four (4) lane divided minor arterial roadway all the way to Daniels Parkway. 

Pre-Bid Information: A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. at Lee County Procurement Management Department, 2115 Second St., First Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901
Date & Time: 12/4/2024  10:30 AM

Opening Date & Time: 1/8/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Kacey Bell     239-533-8835

Solicitation #: B240564SAM
Project Name: Buckingham Resource Area Building

Scope of Work: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to
provide the construction and site work for a new modular building per plans and specifications for the
Buckingham Resource Area.

Pre-Bid Information: 10500 Buckingham Road Fort Myers, FL 33905
Date & Time: 11/21/2024  10:00 AM

Opening Date & Time: 1/3/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Sahara Morales     (239)533-1689

Solicitation #: B240506DJN
Project Name: Melvin Morgan Generator Replacement

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide for the
purchase and installation of a 900kw Diesel generator with a 660-gallon double walled subbase tank and SAL2
Hurricane Rated Enclosure with decorative wrap, at the Melvin Morgan Constitutional Complex located at 2480
Thompson St., Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901.

Pre-Bid Information: A non-mandatory site visit has been scheduled for the following time and location: 10:30 AM December 17, 2024, 2480 Thompson St, Fort Myers, FL 33901.
Date & Time: 12/17/2024  10:30 AM
Location: Melvin Morgan Constitutional Complex<br>2480 Thompson St<br>Fort Myers, FL 33901

Opening Date & Time: 1/21/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Darvis Napier     239-533-8863

Solicitation #: B240532DJN
Project Name: Lee County Supervisor of Elections Generator Replacement

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide for
the purchase and installation of a 400KW Generator at the Lee County Supervisor of Elections Warehouse
located at 13180 S Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers, FL 33907.

Pre-Bid Information: A non-mandatory site visit has been scheduled for the following time and location: 9:00 AM December 17, 2024, 13180 S Cleveland Ave. Fort Myers, FL 33907.
Date & Time: 12/17/2024  9:00 AM
Location: Lee County Supervisor of Elections Center<br>13180 S Cleveland Ave.<br>Fort Myers, FL 33907

Opening Date & Time: 1/21/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Darvis Napier     239-533-8863

Solicitation #: B240509LND
Project Name: Hurricane Ian Matlacha Drawbridge M&E Repairs - LAP

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Contractor to repair and replace several electrical, mechanical and structural components of the Matlacha Drawbridge.

Pre-Bid Information: Mandatory - Proposers are only required to attend ONE of the following dates Date/Time of 1st Meeting: Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 11:30am Date/Time of 2nd Meeting: Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 2:00pm
Date & Time: 12/11/2024  11:30 AM
Location: Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901

Opening Date & Time: 1/9/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Lilla Davis     (239) 533-8857

Solicitation #: 383
Project Name: Lee County 2025 Ash Building Replacement

Scope of Work: Lee County, Florida, is requesting bids from qualified individuals/firms to furnish all necessary labor, services, materials, equipment, tools, consumables, transportation, skills and incidentals required in conformance with the solicitation documents, which include technical specifications and/or a scope of work

Pre-Bid Information: Mandatory Onsite Meeting on 1/8/2025 to be coordinated with Point of Contact
Date & Time: 1/8/2025  

Opening Date & Time: 1/22/2025  
Contact: Mark Levy     (561) 309 - 2452

Solicitation #: B250047DWJ
Project Name: SEARF Deep Injection Wells

Scope of Work: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide construction and testing of two (2) Deep Injection Wells and a shared Dual Zone Monitoring Well for the proposed Southeast Advanced Water Treatment Facility located at 18940 Green Meadow Rd. Ft Myers, FL 33913.

The project consists of the construction of two (2) FDEP Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class I Industrial regulated well, DIW#1 will have a continuous 24" final steel casing & installed to approx. 2700 ft. below grade. DIW #2 has a 26" FRP to 2700 depth DIW #2 a 36" Dia. steel final casing installed.

Pre-Bid Information: Location: 1500 Monroe St., 4th Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901
Date & Time: 12/18/2024  10:00 AM

Opening Date & Time: 1/9/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: David Jones     239-533-8864

Solicitation #: B240472LND
Project Name: Hurricane Ian Sidewalk Repairs on Hickory Blvd - LAP

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Contractor to repair and replace (R & R) portions of the sidewalk infrastructure along the east side of Hickory Blvd. due to substantial damage caused by Hurricane IAN on September 28, 2022. The affected area spans from 26131 to 27795 Hickory Blvd.
Specifically, the project includes:
• Replacement of a concrete bus ramp at Beach Access #4, approximately 97 square yards (SY).
• R&R of 6447 linear feet (LF) of asphalt sidewalk.
• R&R of 163 square yards of concrete sidewalk

Pre-Bid Information: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting is set for December 18, 2024 at 10:00am. Located at Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901
Date & Time: 12/18/2024  10:00 AM
Location: Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901

Opening Date & Time: 1/9/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Lilla Davis     239-533-8857

Solicitation #: B250077JJB
Project Name: Whiskey Creek Channel Dredge

Scope of Work: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide dredging to the Whiskey Creek Entrance Channel as depicted by the plan view and cross-section. The work shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and performing all tasks necessary for the dredging of approximately 2,100 cubic yards of material. The material handling, placement, and disposal will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. It will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to establish any necessary interim handling sites for the dredged material beyond the material handling site shown in the bid plans.

Opening Date & Time: 1/9/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Jake Bond     239-533-8898

Solicitation #: B250073KLB
Project Name: Colonial Blvd. at Summerlin Rd. & McGregor Blvd. Intersection Improvements

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide construction services for intersection improvements at Colonial Blvd. at Summerlin Rd. and McGregor Blvd. Project will consist of concrete curbing, asphalt milling, asphalt paving, striping, ADA upgrades to pedestrian crosswalks, landings, signalization improvements and signage. 

Pre-Bid Information: A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for January 8, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. at the Lee County Procurement Management Department Conference Room, 2115 Second St., 1st Floor, Fort Myers, FL 33901
Date & Time: 1/8/2025  1:00 PM

Opening Date & Time: 1/24/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Kacey Bell     239-533-8835

Solicitation #: B250076SAM
Project Name: Water Main Deflections SR739 & Business US41

Scope of Work: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners is seeking a qualified CONTRACTOR to perform construction
work on SR 739/Business US 41, extending from the Caloosahatchee River to north of SR 78. This project
involves deflecting the existing water main to eliminate conflicts with the installation of drainage pipes within
the FDOT roadway, as well as restoring the affected site. The project also includes the installation of additional
joint restraints on the water main.

Pre-Bid Information: Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901
Date & Time: 1/3/2025  10:00 AM
Location: 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor<br>Fort Myers, FL 33901

Opening Date & Time: 1/21/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Sahara Morales     (239)533-1689

Solicitation #: CANCELED:B250086NAT
Project Name: Punta Rassa Boat Ramp Repairs: Hurricane Ian: CANCELED

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified contractor to provide construction services for repairs needed at Punta Rassa Boat Ramp Located at 20 Sanibel Causeway, Fort Myers, FL 33908. Repairs include but are not limited to; underground utilities, dock repairs, erosion control, fish cleaning station with shade structure, landscaping, irrigation, lighting and signage.

Pre-Bid Information: A non-mandatory pre-bid will be held on site at 20 Sanibel Causeway, Ft. Myers, FL. 33908, on January 7, 2025 at 10am.
Date & Time: 1/7/2025  10:00 AM

Opening Date & Time: 1/23/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Nick Trueblood     239-533-8836

Solicitation #: B240416LND
Project Name: Buckingham & Gunnery Roundabout Construction - LAP

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Contractor to provide construction services for the improvements of the Gunnery Road at Buckingham Road intersection in Lee County. Both Gunnery Road and Buckingham Road are two (2) lane undivided arterial roadways. Improvements include reconstruction of the intersection to a one lane Roundabout with pedestrian facilities, lighting, landscaping and drainage/storm water treatment.

Pre-Bid Information: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting is set for January 8, 2025. Located at Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901
Date & Time: 1/8/2025  11:30 AM
Location: Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901

Opening Date & Time: 1/22/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Lilla Davis     239-533-8857

Solicitation #: B240508LND
Project Name: Hurricane Ian Handrail Repairs on Stringfellow Road - LAP

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Contractor to repair and replace portions of aluminum handrails along Stringfellow Road in St. James City due to substantial damage caused by Hurricane IAN on September 28, 2022. The affected area spans approximately 555 linear feet at various locations along Stringfellow Road.

Pre-Bid Information: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting is set for January 9, 2025. Located at Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901
Date & Time: 1/9/2025  10:00 AM
Location: Lee County Procurement Management 2115 Second Street, 1st Floor Fort Myers, FL 33901

Opening Date & Time: 1/23/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Lilla Davis     239-533-8857

Competitive Negotiation

Solicitation #: CN250033CMR
Project Name: Fleet Management Renovation -CDBG-DR

Scope of Work: Lee COUNTY Board of COUNTY Commissioners seeks to contract with a professional consulting firm
to provide engineering, design, permitting, construction administration, inspection and testing services, as
well as federal grant compliance support, for the Lee COUNTY Fleet Maintenance Satellite Shop
Replacement, and the replacement of two underground fuel tanks with above ground facilities. The project
will take place at two Fleet Management locations:
The underground fuel tanks are located at 2955 Van Buren Street, Fort Myers, Florida 33916. The
underground tanks shall be decommissioned and a new, aboveground fueling facility containing
two (2) 10,000 tanks shall be installed. The design work for this site shall include supporting
infrastructure for the new fueling site as further described below.
The Satellite Shop is located at 5170 Tice Street, Fort Myers, FL 33916. The existing shop shall
be demolished and rebuilt. Design activities shall include supporting infrastructure (e.g., vehicle
access and drainage) as further described below.

Opening Date & Time: 1/13/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Carolina Rodriguez     (239) 533-8858

Solicitation #: CN240602JJB
Project Name: Moss Marina Booster Pump Station - Design

Scope of Work: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract professional services through a skilled and qualified Consultant to provide design, permitting, and construction engineering inspection for the Moss Marina Booster Pump Station Relocation project.

Opening Date & Time: 1/16/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Jake Bond     239-533-8898

Request for Proposal

Solicitation #: RFP250017BJB
Project Name: Security Services - Federal

Scope of Work: The Lee County Board of County Commissioners is seeking to contract with a qualified Vendor to provide security guard services to various locations throughout the County on an as needed basis, before and/or after an emergency or disaster event.

Opening Date & Time: 1/8/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Brian Boehs     239-533-8887

Solicitation #: RFP250046CJV
Project Name: Financial Advisor

Scope of Work: Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Vendor to provide general financial consulting services and assistance to the Lee County on an annual basis.

Pre-Bid Information: None Schedule
Location: Lee County Procurement Management, 2115 Second Street, Fort Myers, FL 33901

Opening Date & Time: 2/6/2025  2:30 PM
Contact: Christy VanAllen     239-533-8839

Invitation to Negotiate

There are no open items in the Invitation to Negotiate category at this time.

Single/Sole Source

Solicitation #: SS250078KCW
Project Name: Econolite Traffic Equipment

Scope of Work: Lee County DOT is seeking to execute a sole source for the purchase of traffic signal components by Econolite Systems, Inc. This equipment is used for internal maintenance of signal and traffic equipment.

Opening Date & Time: 12/26/2024  5:00 PM
Contact: Kevin Walker     2395338807

Solicitation #: SS250099KCW
Project Name: Freightliner Parts and Repair Services

Scope of Work: Lee County Fleet Management is seeking to execute a sole source for Freightliner trucks OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts and repair services to include advanced diagnostic technology and scanning tools.

Opening Date & Time: 1/15/2025  5:00 PM
Contact: Kevin Walker     2395338807

Housing Rehab

There are no open items in the Housing Rehab category at this time.

Request for Information

There are no open items in the Single/Sole Source category at this time.

Request for Quote

There are no open items in the Single/Sole Source category at this time.

Design Build

There are no open items in the Single/Sole Source category at this time.
