DB240380DWJ - Lift Station Replacements - Phase 1

Solicitation #:DB240380DWJ
Opening Date:7/18/2024  2:30 PM
Scope Of Work:Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Vendor to complete a Design-Build project that includes project management, design, survey, permitting, full-time CEI and construction services to permanently repair / replace 20 lift stations. See Appendix A – Map, to better understand the various locations of the lift stations across the County. Fifteen (15) lift stations require a control panel replacement, one (1) lift station requires installation of a new generator, and most lift stations require replacing or repairing miscellaneous materials. See Appendix C – FEMA DDD to see specific equipment and materials to be replaced at each lift station and Appendix D – Lift Station Information for details on each lift station.