B250022KLB - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase 2 Construction with Daniels Parkway Widening

Solicitation #:B250022KLB
Opening Date:1/15/2025  2:30 PM
Scope Of Work:Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONTRACTOR to provide construction services to build a new four (4) lane divided roadway segment from the termination point of Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase 1 Construction to the existing two (2) lane Fiddlesticks Blvd. alignment and widen the existing two (2) lane undivided section of Fiddlesticks Blvd. to a four (4) lane divided minor arterial roadway all the way to Daniels Parkway. 
Solicitation Documents
Second Revised Bid Proposal Form
Attachment 3.1. - Construction Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.2. - Signing and Pavement Marking Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.3. - Mill/Overlay and Phase 1 Final Pavement Lift Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.4. - Signing and Pavement Marking Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase I End
Attachment 3.5. - Utility Adjustment Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.6. - Bid Set Construction Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.7. - Contract Plans - Signing and Pavement Marking Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.8. - Contract Plans - Signalization Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.9. - Contract Plans - Lighting Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.10. - Landscape and Irrigation Plans - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.11. - Report of Geotechnical Exploration - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II - Mast Arms - dated October 23, 2023
Attachment 3.12. - Report of Geotechnical Exploration - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II - Stormwater Management Areas - dated October 31, 2023
Attachment 3.13. - Report of Geotechnical Exploration - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase I and Phase II - dated July 10, 2024
Attachment 3.14. - Lee County Utilities Water and Wastewater Technical Sepcifications
Attachment 3.15. - Easement Requirements - Three Oaks Parkway Extension - Phase II
Attachment 3.16. - Roadway Plans - Project ID 446296-2-52-01