Businesses must dispose of hazardous waste properly!
Some businesses may be partially exempted from federal requirements for hazardous waste disposal.
Q: Which businesses are Small Quantity Generators (SQGs)?
A: Businesses that produce less than 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month or accumulate less than 2,200 pounds at one time.
Q: Where can SQGs dispose of hazardous business waste?
A: SQGs can now dispose of hazardous business waste at Topaz Court Solid Waste Annex, 6441 Topaz Court, Fort Myers.
Q: When can SQGs dispose of hazardous business waste?
A: Generally, the fourth Wednesday of every month from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.
To schedule your appointment and for information and pricing,
please call MXI Environmental Services LLC at 276-477-0947 or email at
| January 29
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More information about Lee County programs for business and commercial Pollution Prevention can be found by visiting the Natural Resources website.