Small Appliances
Microwave Ovens, Toasters, Broilers, Vacuums, Hair Dryers, etc.
Disposal: Dispose of with your regular household garbage.
Large Appliances
Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers, Ovens, Dish Washers, etc.
Disposal: Set at your curb on your regular collection day. Your Hauler will tag the item and send a truck for it within three business days after your regular collection day.
For safety reasons, please remove or seal doors with heavy packing tape on refrigerators, freezers, washers, and dryers before placing the appliance out for collection.
Electronic Items
Computers, Printers, Televisions, Keyboards, etc.
Disposal: You can set your electronics curbside next to, but separated from, regular garbage on your trash collection day. Or, you can bring it to the Topaz Court Solid Waste Facility for recycling.