Most household chemical waste can be brought to Lee County's Topaz Court Solid Waste Facility at 6441 Topaz Court in Fort Myers. 

There are also mobile collection events held at various locations around the county. 

Accepted materials include:

  • Ammunition & Fireworks
  • Antifreeze
  • Auto/Boat/Motorcycle lead/acid batteries
  • Batteries such as: Nickel-cadmium and lithium-ion batteries found in cordless phones or other electronics or rechargeable batteries like those found in cordless drills. (NOTE: Household alkaline batteries such as AA, AAA, C, D, 9 volt, button batteries for watches and hearing aides can go in with your regular household garbage.)
  • Cell Phones (these can also be returned to your cell phone provider)
  • Cleaners
  • Fluorescent Bulbs and Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs The EPA offers good information about how to safely clean up broken fluorescent bulbs.          
  • Fertilizers
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Fluorescent Bulb ballast (fixture)
  • Gasoline Topaz Court Solid Waste Facility or Fort Myers Yacht Basin, 1300 Lee St., Fort Myers, FL 33901; 239-321-7080
  • Lawn and Garden Chemicals 
  • Medication - Keep medicines in original container. Mark out your name and prescription number.
    You can also dispose of pills by adding some water or soda to start dissolving them. For liquids, add something inedible like cat litter, dirt or cayenne pepper. Close lid and secure with duct tape or packaging tape. Place bottles in an opaque container like a coffee can or plastic laundry bottle. Tape that container closed. Place in the trash; do not put in the recycle cart.
  • Motor Oil - Topaz Court Solid Waste Facility or in limited amounts at Advanced/Discount Auto Parts, Auto Zone or Walmart
  • Paints and Paint Thinner 
    (NOTE: EMPTY paint cans, cans of hardened paint and EMPTY spray cans can be disposed of with your regular household garbage. Painting supplies such as caulk, paste, glue, compound - anything hard or paste-like in texture - should be bagged and disposed of with your regular garbage.)
  • Pesticides 
  • Propane Tanks - both the larger 20 lb. tanks used for grilling and the smaller one lb. canisters used for cook stoves.
  • Solvents

​Separating your chemicals by type (corrosive, toxic, flammable, etc.) and placing in a cardboard box will ensure safe transportation and expedite your drop-off time.

