Couple Viewing New Home.jpgNew Construction and New Mobile Homes: Certificate of Occupancy

Before the Building Department issues a Certificate of Occupancy on a residential dwelling, the builder or owner is required to pay the annual Solid Waste Assessment for a residential dwelling (four units or less). This assessment covers the cost of removal of garbage, recycling, yard waste and other solid waste programs. Each improved property in Lee County is charged the Solid Waste Assessment.

The assessment is prorated for the month that the Certificate of Occupancy is applied for, and it covers the remainder of that fiscal year (Oct. 1-Sept. 30). Subsequent assessments are charged each year on the property tax bill after the Board of County Commissioners approves the annual rate and certifies the Solid Waste Assessment Roll to the Tax Collector.

Note: When applying for a Certificate for Occupancy, you will be asked to supply a valid strap number and property address and/or building permit number. You can determine the strap number by searching for your property on the Lee County Property Appraiser's website.

View Prorated New Construction Rates for Fiscal Year 2025.

The Solid Waste Department will charge the full residential assessment rate in September, minus a 4 percent discount for each unit, for the appropriate franchise area. ​

View the Community Development Fees webpage.
