Water Residential Service Charges (Effective Dates Below)

The total monthly rate for residential service is the sum of the: service charge, administrative fee, Wellfield Conservation Surcharge (if applicable), and user charges in accordance with this schedule.

Administrative Charge (Per Bill)
​Monthly Service Charge (Per Unit/Lot):
​Single Family
​Mobile Home
​Recreational Vehicle
Usage Charge (Per 1,000 Gallons) [1]:​ ​
Usage Block 1​​$3.53
​Usage Block 2
​Usage Block 3
​Usage Block 4
​Usage Block Ranges [2]:
​Mobile Home
​Usage Block 1
​Usage Block 2
​Usage Block 3
​Usage Block 4
​Above 18,000
Above 14,400​Above 14,400​Above 7,200​

[1] Customers are billed the usage charge based on the residential unit’s respective monthly use per usage block. 
[2] Residential unit usage blocks are determined based on the customer’s ERU factor. Amounts shown reflect the varying usage block ranges per customer type.

Wastewater Residential Service Charges (Effective Dates Below)

Administrative Charge (Per Bill):
Monthly Service Charge (Per Unit/Lot):
Single Family​​$18.38
​Mobile Home
​Recreational Vehicle
Metered User Charge (Per 1,000 Gallons) [1]​$6.32
Unmetered User Charge (Per Unit/Lot)[2]:
​Single Family
​Mobile Home
​Recreational Vehicle

[1] Residential units are billed wastewater user charges based upon their respective monthly metered water consumption. Monthly metered water use above 10,000 gallons per residential living unit will not be billed the wastewater user charge. 
[2] Customers that do not receive metered water service used to determine the billed wastewater user charges shall be billed the unmetered user charge in-lieu of the metered user charge.

Wellfield Conservation Surcharge (Effective Dates Below)

A Wellfield Conservation Surcharge per ERU will be assessed those residential customers whose monthly water consumption exceeds their initial water conservation block during the monthly billing period.


Should you have questions about the rate change, please contact Customer Service at 239-533-8845 or email utilities@leegov.com.
