- Lee County DOT has maintenance responsibilities over county-maintained roads only, but can assist you with referral to other agencies.
Search County-maintained roads.
For Issues involving county roads, bridges, canals, ponds, drainage systems or landscaping, please call the Request for Action Hotline at 239-533-9400 or fill out the online Request for Action Form.
Lee County Department of Transportation maintains all traffic signals, with the exception of those under construction, through agreements with the Florida DOT and cities. If you see a traffic signal malfunctioning, contact DOT Traffic Operation Center (TOC) at 239-533-5762, or for missing or damaged signs, call 239-533-9500.
To have dead domestic animals (dogs and cats only) removed from county roads, contact Lee County Animal Services at 239-533-7387.
See Lee County Animal Services. To submit a road paving/road resurfacing request, please email
paving@leegov.com or call 239-533-9321.
Please note: We are
not affiliated with and do not monitor any other RFA applications or websites (SeeClickFix, FixMyStreet, etc.).
If you see a potential hazard on our roadways, it is important that we address these issues as soon as possible.
Issues handled by Lee County DOT:
- Drainage issue with culvert or swale
- Pothole or pavement drop-off
- Street sweeping
- Vegetation obstructing line of sight (sight distance)
- Right of way mowing
- Right of way landscaping
- Traffic signal malfunction
- Traffic sign issue
- Debris or trash along roadway
- Large dead animal in the roadway
- Canal or drainage pond maintenance
- Graffiti
- Broken sidewalk or bike path
- Damaged guardrail or handrail
- Unauthorized objects in the right of way
- Other request
State Roads, Interstate 75 and U.S. Routes:
For signs, markings and roadway maintenance on state roads (S.R.), Interstate 75 and U.S. routes, contact the Florida DOT at
Street Lighting:
Other than selected major county roads, most street lighting is maintained by Florida Power & Light (FPL) at
800-468-8243 or the Lee County Electric Cooperative (LCEC) at
Lee County does not maintain street lighting within subdivisions or along non-county maintained roads.
Please click here to view all street lights maintained by the Lee County Municipal Services Taxing/Benefit Unit (MSTBU).