How to Get a Library Card  If you live, work or go to school in Lee County, FL, you can get a free Lee County LIbrary System library card.
Two easy ways to get your library card:
Go to any open branch with your proof of eligibility and start borrowing items and using digital materials.
Pre-Register for a card online. With your temporary card, you can access downloadable and streaming materials. Pick up your permanent card at any branch by showing proof of eligibility.
Proof of Eligibility
Preferred - Valid, local Florida Driver’s License or Florida I.D. Card
OR, valid photo ID along with one of the following: - Lee County property tax receipt for most recent year
- Tax STRAP number
- Proof of real property or business ownership (for example, deed, mortgage agreement, business license issued in Lee County)
- Rental agreement or lease (for at least six months)
- Valid local College/University photo ID and a document with home address
- Boat slip live aboard rental agreement (for at least six months)
- Valid Lee County, FL vehicle registration
- Voter’s registration card with Lee County address
- Utility bill or bank statement (postmarked within 90 days)
- Recent paycheck stub (from a business in Lee County)
- Work photo ID (from a business in Lee County) and official document with applicant’s current address
- Consular photo ID with Lee County address
For children and teens under age 18: - Name ID, such as birth certificate, insurance card, school ID, official school schedule, report card or letter from school, and
- Parent or legal guardian who accompanies the child or teen shows ID for proof of address. Must owe less than $10 on their own library account
A Child/Teen Limited card, which limits check out to two items, is available with Name ID only
Non-residents and visitors may obtain a library card
SWFLN Reciprocal Borrowing Program The Southwest Florida Library Network (SWFLN) manages a Reciprocal Borrowing program which allows library patrons to borrow materials directly from participating libraries. Learn more about reciprocal borrowing.
Non-residents and Visitors
Non-residents must show identification and apply for a card in person. Library card applications cannot be submitted by fax or through the mail. Two types of cards are available:
Visitor Cards
$15 and valid for three months. Additional consecutive months can be purchased for $5 each.
Non-resident Cards
$60 and valid for one year.
Additional Library Card Information
- Cards are issued at all locations in the system and can be used at all locations.
- Loss or theft of a card, as well as change of address, should be reported to the library immediately.
Library Card Renewals
Library cards must be renewed every two years. Most accounts will need to be renewed in person with the same documents required for a new library card.
New Online Card Renewal for Adults
We now offer the opportunity for certain cards to be renewed online. Cardholders who are at least 18 years of age and who are residents or own property in Lee County, Florida, with an outstanding balance of less than $10 on their account may use this service. Get more information and renew your card at eRenew.