- Brown, Barrett. A short history of Fort Myers Beach: Estero and San Carlos Islands, Florida. Fort Myers Beach, Fla. : Estero Island Publishers, [1965].
- Gottlieb, Jean S. Coconuts and coquinas : island life on Fort Myers Beach, 1920-1970. Tallahassee, FL : Sentry Press, c1999.
- Matthew, Jean F. (Jean Foster), 1945-. The last big one : hurricane Donna hits Ft. Myers Beach, Florida, on Sept. 10, 1960. Ft. Myers Beach, Fla. : Island Press Publishers, c1995.
- Matthew, Jean F. (Jean Foster), 1945-. We never wore shoes : growing up on Ft. Myers Beach, Fla. Ft. Myers Beach, Fla. : Shoeless Pub. Co., c1994.
- Schell, Rolfe F. History of Fort Myers Beach, Florida. Fort Myers Beach, FL : Island Press, c1980.
- Untold stories of Southwest Florida: Untold stories, Fort Myers Beach. [Fort Myers, Fla.] : WGCU Public Broadcasting, 2004. DVD