The most recent LiDAR data covering Lee County was flown in 2018 (5/8 -10/29) as part of the Southwest FL LiDAR Project by Digital Aerial Solutions, LLC for the U.S. Geological Survey/NRCS. 
Products listed below were derived from raw point cloud LAS files downloaded from U.S. Geological Survey -The National Map.

Project Report                Acquisition Dates Map

Countywide Spot Elevations and Digital Elevation Model

Download spot elevation points interpolated from the bare-earth LAS surface every 50 feet as a file geodatabase.

Download the bare-earth DEM raster with cell size of 1 meter and elevation in NAVD88 feet.

Check out the new Find My Elevation web app.

View ground elevations from a 2018 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Lee County and other related elevation layers.
The DEM and spot elevations used in this map were produced from LiDAR data provided by the U.S. Geological Survey's 3D Elevation Program.
The LiDAR data covering Lee County was flown between May and October 2018 as part of the Southwest FL LiDAR Project by Digital Aerial Solutions, LLC for the USGS/NRCS.


Use the form below to request raw LAS Files, and bare-earth elevation products including LAS, zLAS, DEM, and spot elevations within your project area in Lee County. LAS files should be viewed in State Plane for optimal results. We will contact you in a day or two when your request is ready to be downloaded.

