Libby by OverDrive
Small Business Series
These free training sessions offer the opportunity to learn more about running and growing your small business. Topics range from creating the perfect marketing pitch to understanding financial statements and more. 

Premium Resources for Business and Finance

AtoZdatabases - Start a business or enhance a current one with market research data and ways to find new customers. Includes resume, interview preparation tips, job search tips and access to a jobs database provided by

Business Insights: Essentials - Explore companies from around the world. From expert analysis to financial reports, case studies and trade articles, Business Insights provides in depth coverage of businesses, including company profiles, products and brands, company rankings and histories.

Entrepreneurship - Providing insights, strategies and success stories, this tool is ideal for students and entrepreneurs looking for industry trends and tips. 

Gale Business: Plan Builder - A step-by-step online planning tool for starting, managing and optimizing a business or nonprofit with an easy-to-use dashboard that walks users through developing a business plan focused on long-term success. Download the Plan Builder Guide (.pdf)

Morningstar - Strengthen your investment strategy and research stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETFs to learn about investments and create portfolios. Contains informational articles, portfolio analysis, Investment tools and top investment picks.

Value Line - Make smart investment decisions. Get investment ideas, find projections, conduct statistical analysis and more.

Additional Business Resources from Gale

DemographicsNow - Analyze the demographic and market potential of any geography in the United States. Create custom reports, perform a quick market analysis, create fully interactive maps, and much more. DemographicsNow is being discontinued by the publisher on March 28.

OneFile: Business - Complete coverage of all aspects of business from accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy. Geared toward those looking to make personal investment decisions or considering a career in business administration.

OneFile: Economics and Theory - Contains articles on a wide variety of topics useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates and more.

OneFile: Entrepreneurship - Updated daily, this tool provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories with access to more than 500 subject-appropriate, articles, including: Economist, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, HR Magazine, Real Estate Weekly, Restaurant Business, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, and more.

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