B230642BAG - Ortiz Widening – Colonial to MLK

Solicitation #:B230642BAG
Opening Date:12/20/2023  2:30 PM
Scope Of Work:1.1 Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Contractor to perform
widening of Ortiz Avenue from 2 lane to 4 lanes between SR 884-Colonial Blvd and SR-82-Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. Work will consist of the following:
1.1.1 Road reconstruction with drainage improvements,
1.1.2 Storm water management facilities,
1.1.3 Removal and relocation of existing utilities,
1.1.4 Installation of new and abandonment of old water main, for LCU,
1.1.5 Installation of new and abandonment of old water and sewer facilities, for City of Fort Myers,
1.1.6 Off-site Modifications to the City of Fort Myers owned Lee County Jail property.
1.2 All work performed is to follow Federal, State, Local, OSHA, and County mandated regulations and
specifications for associated work.
1.3 The scope is further defined and detailed within Exhibits E-N found attached to the draft construction
agreement affixed to this solicitation package as well as within the plans associated with this project.
Contractor is responsible for reviewing all documentation associated with this project.