CN240142DJN - Miscellaneous Professional Services for FEMA, NFIP, and CRS Projects

Solicitation #:CN240142DJN
Opening Date:4/26/2024  2:30 PM
Scope Of Work:Lee County Board of County Commissioners is seeking qualified Consultants to provide professional engineering and miscellaneous consulting services for various National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and Community Rating System (CRS) projects. Tasks may include performing hydraulic, hydrologic or other analysis necessary for reviewing or submitting Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Letter of Map Revision applications – either coastal or riverine, and to consult or provide technical engineering. Consultant shall be defined as a professional engineer or surveyor and/or similar professional consulting services. These professional/consulting services shall be provided on an as-needed basis to assist the County in providing local input to flood mapping processes, No-Rise analysis, flood ordinance compliance and other miscellaneous floodplain management tasks to remain compliant with the NFIP and CRS and with floodplain related requirements imposed by federal and state grantors.