SS230412JBD - Intended Sole Source Purchase: Remix Cloud-Based Platform Software-As-A-Service (SaaS)

Solicitation #:SS230412JBD
Opening Date:7/6/2023  2:30 PM
Scope Of Work:Lee County Transit is seeking to execute a sole source for Remix, a cloud-based, software-as-a-service (SaaS) transit planning and scheduling software platform that provides fast and accurate sketch planning using existing stop infrastructure; instant demographic impact analysis; instant cost estimates based on frequency, timetables, and blocking; unlimited custom data layers and GTFS uploads; public engagement and share features; travel-time isochrone visualizations; Title VI Engine; export timetables into excel; and consistent and regular product improvements/feature launches. Additionally, users are able to export changes and proposals into Microsoft Excel, Google Earth, shapefiles, GTFS, and PNG files. Users can share changes to other users, the public and County administration for review and comments.