CN240466JJB - Regional Alternative Source Water Study - Lehigh Acres

Solicitation #:CN240466JJB
Opening Date:8/16/2024  2:30 PM
Scope Of Work:1.1. Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified CONSULTANT to conduct a comprehensive water supply study to assess reliability as a sustainable water source for Lehigh Acres public water supply (PWS).  The area covered for this comprehensive hydrogeologic evaluation extends from the northern limits of the Green Meadows wellfield and within the Lehigh Acres area bound by Lee County Utilities (LCU) service area limits to the north and west, S.R. 80 to the south, and the Hendry County line to the east. The proposed scope of work will include coordination, meetings, and project management; compilation, review, and evaluation of all available surface and hydrogeologic source water data; consulting for the installation of up to three (3) clusters of test wells; corresponding aquifer performance tests (APT) for the Sandstone (SSA), Mid Hawthorn (MHA) and Upper Floridan (Lower Hawthorn and Suwannee) aquifers; detailed hydrogeologic mapping for the aquifers and confining units; groundwater flow and solute transport computer modeling; water treatment alternatives based on available and reliable water source; wellfield operation regime and protocols; and completion reports detailing the data collected, evaluation, and applicable conclusions. 