In Case of Emergency, DIAL 9-1-1

Seconds count during an emergency. Call 9-1-1 if you need a police officer, the fire department or an ambulance.

In the event of an emergency, it may be the best thing for children to tell their parents, a teacher or another trustworthy adult right away. It may also be necessary for a child to call 9-1-1 for help.

The following is what people of all ages need to know about calling 9-1-1, and how to provide the right information to 9-1-1 to get help as fast as possible in an emergency.

Know What 9-1-1 Is

9-1-1 is the phone number you call to get help from a police officer, the fire department or an ambulance. You will not be able to reach 9-1-1 by text message, instant message, social media or smart phone apps.

Know When to Call 9-1-1

You should only call when someone is hurt or in danger, and you need a police officer, the fire department or an ambulance.

Know Where You Are

Learn and remember your address. If you aren't at home and don't know the address where you are, look around and try to find a street sign or a building with a name on it so that the call-taker knows where you are.

Stay Calm

When you call 9-1-1, you become the eyes and ears for the call-taker. Stay calm and tell the call-taker everything that is happening. Make sure you answer all the call-taker's questions.

Know What Happens When You Call 9-1-1

When you dial 9-1-1, the person who picks up on the other end wants to help you. The call-taker will ask you questions and may ask you to help. It is important that you do what they tell you to do. The call-taker will send someone to help you. Stay where you are, and stay on the phone.

Stay on the Phone

Even if you called 9-1-1 by accident, it is important that you stay on the phone until the call-taker tells you it is alright to hang up. The call-taker wants to make sure that you are OK and to send you the right kind of help. If you aren't able to talk or have to leave, keep the phone off the hook so that the call-taker can hear what is going on in the room and if you have a cell phone take it with you.

Memorize Important Information

Knowing your name, address, and phone number are important for you to receive help as fast as possible. Memorize this information, and if possible keep it with your phone.

Print the following card, fill it out, and keep it close to your phone:

Name: ________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________

City, State: ____________________________________________________

Phone number: _________________________________________________

Name of Parent/Guardian: _______________________________________
