Fleet Objectives
"Provide excellent customer service, increase productivity, be cost efficient, promote safety and compliance."
Fleet Mission Statement
To establish efficient and effective delivery of County fleet services by providing customer agencies with safe, reliable, economically and environmentally sound transportation and related support services that are responsive to the needs of customer departments and that conserve vehicle value and equipment investment.
Preventive Maintenance Definition
Timely and periodic servicing of equipment and the diligent inspection, detection and correction of potential equipment failure before a major defect occurs.
- To assist with the development of County policy regarding vehicle transportation for County employees in the conduct of official County business.
- To establish Fleet financial policy that identifies all fleet costs, allocates these costs and supports Fleet Management as a governmental operation.
- To institute market-driven services that keep Fleet competitive by making periodic assessments of the cost competitiveness of fleet service delivery.
- To provide for a centralized fleet management function in order to maximize vehicle usage and the efficiency of the fleet operation.
- To provide a customer-focused, strategic and systematic approach to continuous performance improvement.
- To provide a management information foundation that enables the organization to identify all costs and support all fleet functions, enables managers to make decisions related to the most efficient use of resources and empowers all fleet personnel to make decisions in their area of the fleet organization.
- To provide Fleet employees with a unique work environment that balances exceptional customer service, hard work, personal growth and fun.