Fleet Heavy Euipment Shop

Lee County Fleet Management was the first Florida county to obtain 100 percent non-generating status for hazardous waste. In order to achieve this status, the following procedures were implemented and are maintained on a regular basis:

  • Change the parts cleaning system.
  • Recycle the used antifreeze on site.
  • Reuse the Freon.
  • Eliminate chlorinated aerosol cleaners.
  • Recycle the lead acid batteries and lead tire weights.
  • Provide separate catch containers for individual fluids to eliminate the additional costs as a result of cross-contamination.
  • Ensure proper labeling of all storage containers.
  • Establish and maintain a recordkeeping system for testing of waste streams.

Please note: Fleet Management does not receive any hazardous products or materials from any outside agencies for disposal.

If you would like more information on how Fleet accomplished this, please contact Lee County Natural Resources Pollution Prevention, at 239-533-8821.

For more information about disposal of hazardous material or general environmental issues, contact the Lee County Department of Solid Waste.
