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Save money on tolls - get a compatible transponder & prepaid account

✓ No administrative fees are charged to compatible transponders
✓ Prepaid account customers can sign up for discount programs and multiple vehicle discounts
✓ Compatible transponders are eligible for a 25% discount during off-peak hours

How to get a transponder

You can get a transponder shipped to your house by creating an account with LeeWay and adding funds to your prepaid account.

  1. Sign up for a LeeWay account online
  2. Fill in your personal and vehicle information, and whether you want the free transponder, or the hard case transponder ($22)
  3. Fund your prepaid account
  4. Your transponder will be shipped to your address in about seven days
  5. Customers must also pay any outstanding pay-by-plate tolls

Learn more about how prepaid accounts work

​LeeWay Sticker Transponder - Free with a new account

Sticker Transponder

​LeeWay Hard Case Transponder - $22

Sticker Transponder
  • Must be affixed to the windshield
  • Reusable transponder
  • Comes with a 90-day warranty
  • Sign up for an account or log in to purchase
  • Lee County has switched to a new hard case transponder to allow for future expansion. It is projected to work in the E-Z Pass lanes in late 2024 - 2025.

​LeeWay Bumper Mount Transponder - $22

Sticker Transponder
  • External transponder for vehicles where the internal mount will not read
  • Reusable transponder
  • Comes with a 90-day warranty
  • Sign up for an account or log in to purchase

​Other Compatible Transponders

Sticker Transponder
  • Lee County Toll plazas are compatible with other transponders:
    • (FL) LeeWay
    • (FL) SunPass
    • (FL) E-Pass
    • (various states) E-ZPass
    • (NC) QuickPass
    • (GA) Peach Pass
    • (IL) I-Pass
    • (KY) Riverlink E-ZPass
    • (KS) K-Tag
    • (OK) PikePass
    • (TX) Toll Tag
    • (TX) EZ Tag
    • (TX) Tx Tag


The transponder should be installed inside your car, on the center of your windshield, behind the rearview mirror. Be sure to mount the transponder below your window tinting.

Attaching the transponder in any other location may result in incorrect readings, and may lead to traffic citations. Instructions are included with the transponder when you receive it.

LeeWay Customer Service Representatives will be happy to help you either install or remove a transponder. They can also test the transponder in the LeeWay Service Center’s test lane at the LeeWay Service Center.

Storage of Hard Case and Bumper Mounts

It is important that you store the transponder in the Mylar bag you received it in until you are ready to install.


Use a damp cloth to wipe the surface of the transponder. Do not submerge the transponder in water, and do not use any cleaning agents. Please do not paint or attach anything to your transponder, as it will prevent it from working properly.

Hard Case Transponder Warranty

Your transponder carries a 90-day warranty from the date of purchase. If your transponder fails to operate for reasons other than abuse or improper use and is returned to the LeeWay Service Center within 90 days of the purchase date, we will replace the transponder at no extra charge.

Transponder Problems

Contact the LeeWay Service Center. The LeeWay Service Center is equipped with a test lane to test your transponder.

Multiple Vehicles & Transponders

According to Lee County Ordinances, the transponder must be registered and permanently affixed to one vehicle. If a transponder is transferred, a citation may be issued. You can have as many transponders on one account as you would like and may be eligible for multiple vehicle discounts.

Lost or Stolen Transponders

Report lost or stolen transponders immediately so they can be deactivated from your account.
