Notice: Effective Aug. 15, 2022, contractors and owner-builders must ensure the printed job copy of a DRV or ROW permit package remains intact, legible and accessible for inspection on the worksite. The permit package must be displayed in a weather-proof container, such as a permit box or a one-gallon, zipped plastic bag affixed to a home or pole in a visible location. The permit package includes the permit, approved plans and all applicable documents and will serve as the official "Job Copy" available for the inspector's use.
This requirement applies to any residential or commercial DRV or ROW permit on any county-maintained road, regardless of whether it is in a municipality or unincorporated Lee. To check if a site is on a county-maintained road, visit the county's Resident Information Tool at
Failure to comply will result in a failed inspection, requiring the inspection to be rescheduled for a future date; it could also result in a failed inspection fee ($25).
The changes are necessary to streamline Lee County's permit process, align the county with standard practices in permitting, and achieve efficiencies for both applicants and county staff.
Permitting and Inspections
Permit Extension Request
Phone: 239-533-9300
Fax: 239-533-9340
Address: 5642 Enterprise Pkwy., Fort Myers, FL 33905
View Map
Request an Inspection
Right of Way Use Permits
Right of Way Use Permits ensure that work performed in a county right of way or easement is done safely and meets design standards and regulations. The goal is to protect the users of the rights of way and preserve the county's infrastructure. For more information on working within Lee County Right of Way, please check out our Administrative Code
AC 11-12.
There are three types of Right of Way Use Permits:
- Commercial Right of Way Permit
- Residential Driveway Permit
- Small Cell Permit
Commercial Right of Way Use Permit
Licensed contractors performing work for new or existing businesses in county rights of way or easements must apply for a
Commercial Right of Way Use Permit.
You will need a Commercial Right of Way Permit if you are: 
- Building new construction that connects to a county road or easement
- Upgrading entrances
- Adding water or sewer tie-ins
- Installing communication services
- Installing water or sewer services
- Widening a road for turn lanes
- Installing sidewalks
- Improving drainage
Residential Driveway Permit
Residential Driveway Permits are needed for improvements (other than mowing) to residential property done within the right of way of a county-maintained road.
Find out if you live on a County-maintained road.
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You will need a Residential Driveway Permit if you are:
- Installing a driveway to a new or existing home
- Upgrading an existing driveway
- Improving the right of way
- Adding another driveway to residential property
Request an Inspection
Permit Extension Request
Permit Completion Request

Permit Withdrawal/Refund Request
Small Cell PermitPublic or private entities seeking to construct, place, install, maintain or operate a communications facility in the County right of way will need a
Small Cell Permit.
This link will help you find out if a road is
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