LeeTran receives federal assistance from the Federal Transit Administration. When making purchases using federal funding, LeeTran must observe all applicable federal requirements. Please use the links below to learn more about the FTA's requirements.

Use this link to download the documents needed to participate in an FTA-funded procurement:

View Lee County Procurement's Open Projects.

DBE Goals

LeeTran's overall goal for FY2023 through FY2025 is 1.10 percent (1.10%) for FTA-assisted contracts (exclusive of FTA funds to be used for the purchase of transit vehicles). The DBE goal will be reviewed annually and updated every three years in accordance with FTA regulations. It is estimated that the DBE goal will remain at 1.10 percent (1.10%) based on preliminary work to anticipated for the FY2023 through FY2025 DBE goal period.  It is our policy to:

  1. Ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts
  2. Create a level playing field on which DBE's can compete fairly for DOT-assisted contracts
  3. Ensure that LeeTran's DBE program is narrowly tailored in accordance with applicable law
  4. Ensure that only firms that fully meet this Part's eligibility standards are permitted to participate as DBEs
  5. Help remove barriers to the participation of DBE's
  6. Promote the use of DBEs in all types of federally-assisted contacts and procurement activities
  7. Assist the development of firms that can compete successfully in the marketplace outside the DBE Program
  8. Provide appropriate flexibility to recipients of federal financial assistance in establishing and providing opportunities for DBEs

DBE Goals for FY20 - FY22
DBE Goals for FY17 - FY19
DBE Goals for FY14 - FY16
