Any construction site that disturbs 1
acre of land and discharges stormwater offsite is required to obtain an
NPDES permit for construction. A Notice of Intent (NOI) and a fee are
submitted to FDEP via a web-based application or through the mail. (For
more information contact FDEP
) A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) must be created prior
to permit application and kept with the permit response when received.
This SWP3 will be reviewed by County staff as part of the Development
Order process.

sectors of industrial activities are eligible for obtaining the
Multi-Sector NPDES permit requiring that only clean water discharge off
site. Examples of the industries are auto salvage yards, scrap
recycling facilities, and heavy manufacturing. A Notice of Intent (NOI)
and a fee are submitted to FDEP by mail. . (For more information
contact FDEP
) A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) must be created prior
to permit application and kept with the permit response when received.
