The Hydrological Monitoring Program is responsible for collecting data from a network of monitoring equipment in Lee County's major watersheds.

The network consists of:
  • Recording rain gauges equipped to allow real time access.
  • Stage recorders that record water levels in surface waterways.
  • Monitor wells that record water levels in shallow aquifer.

Currently, the Network consists of approximately 190 shallow monitor wells, 29 recording rain gages, and 12 continuous stage recorders. In addition, the County has a joint agreement with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to operate eight additional continuous stage recorders. The original sole purpose of the Network has been replaced with a multi-objective program. As the database expands, so does recognition of the value of the information. The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is also a great place to get hydrological data.

Any errors or comments should be addressed to Scott Summerall via:

  • Mail: Lee County Division of Natural Resources, 1500 Monroe St., Fort Myers, FL 33901
    ATTN: Scott Summerall
  • Phone: 239-533-8818 or 239-533-8109

 Wet Season High Water Table Maps

The Wet Season High Water Table (WSHWT) contour map was developed using data collected from approximately 190 Water Table Aquifer wells throughout Lee County.

Some of the monitoring wells are equipped with data loggers that collects water elevation every hour and the remainder of the wells are manually read twice a month.

For the wells that are manually read, we determined the (WSHWT) by averaging the two wettest thirty day periods during that year and for the equipped wells we use 90th percentile.

2024 Wet Season High Water Table Map

2024 Dry Season Low Water Table Map



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