Are you looking to do any sort of construction or renovation project?
A building permit is required if you plan to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish​ or change the occupancy of a building or structure. A building permit is also required if you plan to install, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, provided the installation is regulated by the Florida Building Code (FBC).

Improvements or repairs not requiring a permit: ​Please reference Florida Building Code​ Section 105.2 and Lee County Land Development Code Chapter 6, Section ​6-117​​​ for information regarding improvements or repairs not requiring a permit.

Use eConnect, our online permitting system to:

  • Search and view permits
  • Submit permit applications
  • Upload (add) plans and other documents
  • View status and Preview Comments 
  • Download/print approved documents
  • Pay fees
  • Schedule inspections
Quick Links

Join the virtual line for the permitting counter

Wait where you want by getting in line virtually. There are three ways to join:

Download the QLess App
Available on Android and iPhone
Text (239)299-7332
keyword: Lee County DCD
Visit the website

1. Join the Line from anywhere

2. Move freely & wait wherever you want

3. Receive wait time updates on your mobile device

4. Get notified when it's your turn to be served at 1500 Monroe St.

The Permit Application Process

​Determine the Permit Needed and Collect Your Documentation

​Use the Guides and Forms page to help you determine the type of permit you need, how to complete the application, and which document must be submitted with the application. 

Please note: Construction and renovation projects require different types of permits. 
Permit Guides and Forms

​​ Get eConnect Access

​After using the guides to determine information needed for the application process, prepare to use the online permitting service delivery system called eConnect. New users must register for an eConnect account. Instructions for New Users: Register for an Account are included on the eConnect login page. Once registered, the system is available to apply for services and to upload the required documents. Review the eConnect User Guide for more details.

 Submit the Application

​Use eConnect to complete the online application and attach plans and other supporting documents online. Refer to the appropriate Application and Permitting Guide as you go through this process.  All applicants are encouraged to submit their applications electronically.

​ Application Package Processing and Review

​Completeness Check: When first received, the application package is reviewed for completeness to check that all required documents, signatures and seals were submitted.  The applicant must provide missing information before the application package can be taken in for review.
Application Review: Complete applications may be forwarded to multiple functional areas for review.  eConnect applications can be reviewed simultaneously by the required reviewers.  Paper applications are reviewed by one person at a time and must be physically handed off among the required reviewers.  

Notice of Rejection or Approval: 
  • Rejection Notice: If applicable, the final reviewer consolidates all comments and an email notice is sent to the applicant.  A rejection notice will be provided to the applicant with specific points of failure that must be corrected prior to resubmitting for approval. Applicants have 30 days to address the points of failure and to resubmit information and documentation.  A cover letter addressing the points of failure is required with the resubmittal.
    • Resubmitting an Application via eConnect: To update the required information and to ensure correct versioning in eConnect, attachments that are resubmitted should have the same file name as the original.
    • Resubmitting a Paper Application: Bring updated documentation to the first floor of the Lee County Public Works Building, 1500 Monroe St., Fort Myers, FL 33901.

  • Notice of Approval:
    • File Verification - Notification:  Staff completes a final document review to determine any outstanding documents and invoices all applicable fees. The "Ready Sheet" outlining outstanding fees and required documents is emailed to each applicant.

​ Check Status

​​At any point in the project, applicants can view status, conditions and record details by searching the record number within eConnect.
eConnect: Permit Search

​ Receive Permit 

Permit Issuance: 

  • eConnect Applications: If your application was submitted through eConnect, we will email you to let you know your plans are available for download. Search for your permit application using My Records, the Global Search or the Search Applications. Under the Permitting menu, click on the record number for your permit application, select Attachments to view/print the approved documents. The approved plans will be listed as "Final Documents" under Type.
 eConnect: Approved Downloads

  • Paper Applications:  The permit and approved plans are issued in person. 

NOTE: Owner-Builders are required by Florida Statute to personally appear at the Lee County Public Works Building, 1500 Monroe St., Fort Myers, FL 33901 to sign for the building permit regardless of how it was submitted. Permits and the approved plans will be issued in person at that time.

​ Begin Construction

​Don't forget to post your approved permit and plans at the project site.

​ Pay Fees

​All payments must be received prior to scheduling an inspection.  We will email you payment instructions once the permit has been approved and verified. You can view any fees that are due and pay them using eConnect. Log into eConnect, locate your record number, select the menu option for Payments >> Fees, then click Pay Fees button and follow the instructions.  
eConnect: Pay Fees

Payment Options:

  • Make payments through eConnect
  • Deliver the payment in person to the Lee County Public Works Building, 1500 Monroe St., Fort Myers, FL 33901
  • Make a credit card payment by phone, 239-533-8997, option *

Cash is not accepted; please pay by credit/debit card, check, eCheck, or money order. 

​ Schedule an Inspection

​Be sure all your fees are paid before scheduling an inspection. Different permits need inspections at certain points in the project. Permits must pass at least one inspection within 180 days from issuance or the permit will expire. To schedule an inspection log into eConnect, locate your record number, select Inspections then select the Schedule or Request an Inspection button.
eConnect: Schedule an Inspection

​ Get your Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion

​Once all inspections have passed, and all outstanding conditional documents and fees have been satisfied, the Certificate of Compliance and/or the Certificate of Occupancy are issued, the permit is closed, and a notification email is sent to the applicant.  Applicants may obtain certificate info, log into eConnect.  Search for your permit application using My Records, the Global Search or the Search Applications. Under the Permitting menu, click on the record number for your permit application. Select Reports at the top of the screen, select Certificate from the list and a new window will display the document; options to save or print will be displayed.
