Meeting Schedule: 2nd Thursday of every other month (as needed) Meeting Time: 10 a.m. Meeting Location: 1500 Monroe St., Conference Room 1B (1st Floor)
Contact: Janet Miller, 239-533-8583
This is a
13-member board appointed by the County Commission whose purpose is to hear and decide matters relating to the interpretation or application of the County's building and construction requirements. Examples include appeals of decisions of the Building Official, Fire Official, and Flood Plain Coordinator.
The board may also hear requests for variances from the Building Code, Fire Code and Flood Plain Ordinance. Anyone who believes that the Building Code, Fire Code or Flood Plain regulations have been incorrectly interpreted or applied to their construction project, or that an equivalent form of construction can be employed with respect to their project, may appeal to the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals.
The appeal must be filed in writing with the Building Official within 30 days following the decision by the Building Official, Fire Official or Flood Plain Coordinator relating to their proposed project. The board will meet and hear the appeal within 15 days of the filing of the appeal. A decision by the board is usually made at the meeting, but may take up to 30 days. Appeal forms and additional information concerning the appeal process may be obtained by contacting the Division of Development Services at 239-533-8585.
For additional information, see Administrative Code 2-18 (AC2-18).
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DCD Public Hearing & Committee Meeting Agendas are available
through our online calendar. Agendas are normally available approximately one week prior to the meeting date.
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