(According to the USA/SOIL Conservation Service Soil Survey of Lee County)
Hydric soils are those soils that, in their natural conditions, are saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season (February-December in Lee County) to develop anaerobic conditions that favor the growth and regeneration of hydrophytic (wetland) vegetation.
Soil flooded by moving water from stream overflow, run off or high tides.
8 | Hallandale fine sand, tidal |
15 | Estero Muck |
16 | Peckish mucky fine sand |
23 | Wulfert muck |
24 | Kesson fine sand |
56 | Isles muck |
57 | Boca fine sand, tidal |
Broad nearly level, poorly defined drainage way that is subject to sheet-flow in the rainy season.
5 | Captiva fine sand |
10 | Pompano fine sand |
12 | Felda fine sand |
14 | Valkaria fine sand |
26 | Pineda find sand |
34 | Malabar fine sand |
38 | Isles fine sand, slough |
74 | Boca fine sand, slough |
75 | Hallandale fine sand, slough |
77 | Pineda fine sand, limestone substratum |
Standing water on soils in closed depressions. The water can be removed only by percolation or evapotranspiration.
19 | Gator muck |
20 | Terra Ceia muck |
27 | Pompano fine sand, depressional |
39 | Isles fine sand, depressional |
40 | Anclote sand, depressional |
41 | Valkaria fine sand, depressional |
44 | Malabar fine sand, depressional |
45 | Copeland sandy loam, depressional |
49 | Felda fine sand, depressional |
51 | Floridan fine sand, depressional |
53 | Myakka fine sand, depressional |
62 | Winder sand, depressional |
73 | Pineda fine sand, depressional |
78 | Chobee muck |
NOTE: Soil #6 - Hallandale fine sand, and #13 - Boca fine sand, have indicated a high percentage of hydric soils within the mapping unit and may also indicate a wetland area.