​​​picture of  indigenous native vegetationThe conservation of indigenous preserve areas is required by the Land Development Code. Large developments with existing indigenous native vegetation communities must provide 50 percent of their open space requirement through the onsite preservation of existing native vegetation communities.

Pine flatwoods are fire-dependent communities.  They depend on natural wildfire to control the fuel loads of accumulated vegetation in the understory and to control coverage and heights of plants such as saw palmetto and perennials.

picture of  indigenous native vegetationWhere plant communities are not maintained naturally by fire, we must manage them manually. An Indigenous Management Plan sets the guidelines for long-term maintenance of vegetation in indigenous open space areas. It includes the method and frequency of management, methods of exotic control, debris removal, protected species management, and drafts of educational material provided to residents about the purpose and function of the preserve.

Management plans are required to be submitted with the development order for all developments approved after August 2005 to ensure the long-term management of preserves. However, developments approved before August 2005 that want to manage their preserves can submit a Retro Indigenous Management Plan for review.

Get the application​. picture of  indigenous native vegetation


Wade, Dale D., John J. Ewel, and Ronald Harold. Hofstetter. Fire in South Florida Ecosystems. Asheville, NC: Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1980. Print.

Myers, Ronald L., and John J. Ewel. Ecosystems of Florida. Orlando: University of Central Florida, 1990. Print.

