The Planning Section is part of the Department of Community Development. It's primary functions are to:![Future Land Use Map](/dcd/PublishingImages/planning/Map01-01.jpg)
Updates and maintains the Lee County Comprehensive Plan Lee Plan to reflect the Board of County Commissioners’ strategic policies and for consistency with state requirements. The Lee Plan essentially serves three broad purposes:
- First, certain day-to-day public and private activities within each jurisdiction must be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies in the adopted plan.
- Second, the plan is a source of authority for the local government's land development regulations and for a wide range of official discretionary actions, including, but not limited to, the capital improvement program
- Finally, the plan represents the community's vision of what it will or should look like by the end of the planning horizon.
Assist with the implementation of the Lee Plan. All development must be consistent with the Lee Plan.
- Process Administrative and Legislative Interpretations as provided for in Lee Plan Chapter XIII and Lee County Administrative Code 13-2. Administrative Interpretations are limited to whether the Minimum Use Determination, formerly known as the single-family residence provision, applies to a parcel and clarification of Future Land Use Map boundaries, including if a property has been properly designated as Wetlands.
- Processing Lee Plan Amendments (both privately and publicly initiated). List of applications under review.
- Maintain community plans that address specific conditions unique to a defined area of the County.
- Maintain a current inventory of existing land uses for land within the unincorporated portions of Lee County by Planning District.
- Collect and disseminate demographic and development information for unincorporated portions of Lee County at a number of different geographic levels.
- Implement the bonus density program which includes the Affordable Housing Program and Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program.
- Administer the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program.