Palm Beach Boulevard is an urban community located south of the Caloosahatchee River from the boundary of the City of Fort Myers to Interstate 75. It includes the Morse Shores, Russell Park and Tice neighborhoods, as well as major commercial corridors along Palm Beach Boulevard and Ortiz Avenue. Community planning efforts are focused at enhancing the mixed-use character of the corridors while promoting the residential character of the community’s neighborhoods.
  • Lee Plan Goal 34 guides the development and redevelopment of the Palm Beach Boulevard area into an integrated community of mixed-use corridor centers, active parks and public spaces, and strong neighborhoods.
  • The Land Development Code addresses communitywide development standards such as design, park development and property maintenance. Additionally, the project designs and develops mixed-use corridor centers along Palm Beach Boulevard and Ortiz Avenue.


Community Project Presentations:

The owner or agent applying for the following types of county approvals must conduct one public informational session within the community plan area prior to obtaining a finding of sufficiency.
  • Planned development
For additional information on meeting requirements, please see Lee Plan Goal 34.

Additional Information:

For more information regarding Tice, please call 239-533-8585.
