2022 Amendments

For more detailed information, click on the Amendment Case Name  

CPA2022-00001 - Economic Element
Current Status - Effective
Amend the Lee Plan to support and promote Lee County’s economic development strategies through the Lee Plan Planning Horizon, 2045. Amendments will include: updating the Economic Element; aligning allowable uses within Lee County’s employment centers with targeted industries; and, non-substantive amendments needed to maintain internal consistency within the Lee Plan.

CPA2022-00002 - Buckingham Isles Small Scale Amendment
Current Status - Withdrawn
This project proposes a plan to re-designate the property of Buckingham Heights, a +/-47 acre, to Urban Community.

CPA2022-00003 - Daniels Falls, Encore, Powers Court
Current Status - Effective
Amend the Future Land Use Map to redesignate the +/- 29 acre subject property from the Outlying Suburban and Wetlands future land use categories to the Central Urban future land use category, and amend Lee Plan Map 1-C to add the subject property to the Mixed-use Overlay. The subject property is located on the south side of Daniels Pkwy, approximately 0.1 miles west of Fiddlesticks Blvd.

CPA2022-00004 - Update Map 3-A: Cost Feasible Roadway Projects
Current Status - Effective
Amend Map 3-A of the Lee Plan’s Transportation Map Series to include 4-laning of Corkscrew Road from Alico Road to the Verdana Village entrance. This update is needed to maintain consistency with the Lee County Metropolitan Planning Organization 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan.

CPA2022-00005 - Pine Island Preserve at Matlacha Pass
Current Status - Effective
Amend Lee Plan Policy 24.4.4 to clarify its limited applicability to commercial development. The request does not change the uses or intensities allowed in the Coastal Rural future land use category, nor does it change design standards or the review process required for approval of commercial uses within the Coastal Rural future land use category.

CPA2022-00006 - Grand Bay Map Amendment
Current Status - Effective
Amend Map 1-C to extend the boundary of the Mixed Use Overlay to the west side of S. Tamiami Trail, across from the intersection with San Carlos Boulevard, to include 15.64± acres and amend Policy 5.1.10 to align with current county practices for calculating the density of property that is divided into two or more land use categories.

CPA2022-00007 - Grand Bay Text Amendment
Current Status - Effective
Amend Map 1-C to extend the boundary of the Mixed Use Overlay to the west side of S. Tamiami Trail, across from the intersection with San Carlos Boulevard, to include 15.64± acres and amend Policy 5.1.10 to align with current county practices for calculating the density of property that is divided into two or more land use categories.

CPA2022-00008 - Alico Cross Roads Text Amendment
Current Status - Effective
Amend the Future Land Use Map designation on ±46.7 acres from Industrial Commercial Interchange to General Interchange and amend Table 1(b) 2045 Population Allocation to accommodate residential development on the subject property, located on the east side of Three Oaks Parkway, approximately 0.25 miles north of Alico Road, and is immediately west of I-75.

CPA2022-00009 - 13150 Snell Lane CPA
Current Status - Withdrawn
Requesting approval for a Small-Scale Comprehensive Amendment to change the future land use (FLU) category of the 5+/- acre (Property) site from "Conservation Lands Wetlands" to "Wetlands". This request requires one map amendment to Lee Plan Map 1-A to allow for one (1) residential dwelling unit to be developed on the subject property.

Current Status - Effective
Proposal to redesignate the Future Land use category of the +61.25-acre site from General Interchange and Wetlands to Intensive Development and Wetlands and to amend Lee Plan Map 1-C to add +53.13 acres of the subject property to the Mixed use Overlay. Lee Plan Table 1(b) will be updated to accommodate future development of the site. The subject property is located at the southwest corner of the Daniels Parkway and I-75 interchange.

Current Status - Effective
Proposal to redesignate the Future Land use category of the +61.25-acre site from General Interchange and Wetlands to Intensive Development and Wetlands and to amend Lee Plan Map 1-C to add +53.13 acres of the subject property to the Mixed use Overlay. Lee Plan Table 1(b) will be updated to accommodate future development of the site. The subject property is located at the southwest corner of the Daniels Parkway and I-75 interchange.

CPA2022-00012 - Small Brothers - Corkscrew Commercial - Map
Current Status - Effective
Amend the Lee County Utilities Future Sewer Service Areas Map (Map 4-B) to include the ±11.4-acre subject property.

CPA2022-00013 - Small Brothers - Corkscrew Commercial - Text
Current Status - Withdrawn
Amend Policies 1.4.5, 33.2.5 and New Objective 33.4 and Policy 33.4.1.

CPA2022-00014 - The Preserve Sporting Club and Residence Map Amnd
Current Status - Withdrawn
Amendments to Maps 1f, 4a and 4b to include the subject property in the PRFPD Overlay and the Future Water and Sewer Service Areas.

CPA2022-00015 - The Preserve Sporting Club and Res. @ Pepper Place
Current Status - Withdrawn
Site specific text amendment to Goal 13 to allow for the inclusion of low density residential uses, hotel and minor commercial within a multi-use PRFPD that is over 1,000 acres.

CPA2022-00016 - Barrett Park - Map Amendment
Current Status - Effective
Amend Lee Plan Map 1-A to redesignate the ±20.14 acre property from the Sub-Outlying Suburban future land use category to the Urban Community future land use category. The property is located at 9251-9500 Westcreek Circle, North Fort Myers, FL.

CPA2022-00017 - Caloosa 80 - Text Amendment
Current Status - Withdrawn
Add the 192.3 +/- acre subject property to Lee County Utilities Future Water and Sewer Service Areas as depicted on Maps 4-A and 4-B, respectively. Amend the Future Land Use Map to redesignate approximately 92.71 +/- acres of the subject property from the Rural future land use category to the Sub-Outlying Suburban future land use category. Amend Table 1(b) to accommodate residential development on the subject property. 19190 Palm Beach Boulevard, Alva, FL 33920.

CPA2022-00018 - Caloosa 80 - Map Amendment
Current Status - Withdrawn
Add the 192.3 +/- acre subject property to Lee County Utilities Future Water and Sewer Service Areas as depicted on Maps 4-A and 4-B, respectively. Amend the Future Land Use Map to redesignate approximately 92.71 +/- acres of the subject property from the Rural future land use category to the Sub-Outlying Suburban future land use category. Amend Table 1(b) to accommodate residential development on the subject property. 19190 Palm Beach Boulevard, Alva, FL 33920.

CPA2022-00019 - Cary Duke CPA
Current Status - Effective
Amend the Lee County Utilities Future Water Service Areas Map (Map 4A) and the Lee County Utilities Future Sewer Service Areas Map (Map 4B), to include a 788+/- acre property located on North River Road, approximately 1 mile east of SR 31.
