CPA2023-00001 - Babcock Road-US 41 Map Amendment
Current Status - Effective
Amend Lee Plan Map 1-A to redesignate the +25.60 acre property from the Urban Community future land use category to the Central Urban future land use category. The property is located at 7084 Babcock Road, Estero, Florida.
CPA2023-00003 - Southeast Advanced Water Reclamation Facility
Current Status - DEO Review
Amend the Future Land Use Map designation for 35.65 acres from the Density Reduction/Ground Water Resource future land use category to the Public Facilities future land use category. The subject property is located on Green Meadow Road approximately 0.2 miles east of the intersection with Alico Road.
CPA2023-00004 - Building Height and Resiliency
Current Status - Effective
Amend Lee Plan Goal 23 and Policy 23.2.3 to remove requirements that restricts the ability to redevelop or rebuild structures in order to reduce potential flooding threats by accommodating required minimum flood elevations.
CPA2023-00005 - US 41 - Pugliese Multi-Family
Current Status - Withdrawn
The application is requesting a map amendment to change the 13.2 acre site from Suburban to Urban Community.
CPA2023-00006 - 308 Evergreen Road Small Scale Amendment
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
Request to amend Lee Plan Map 1-C Mixed Use Overlay Map.
CPA2023-00007 - McGregor Mixed Use Overlay
Current Status - Effective
Amend Lee Plan Map 1-C to extend the Mixed Use Overlay to approximately 1.93 acres of existing commercial properties located at the northwest corner of McGregor Boulevard and College Parkway.
CPA2023-00008 - Water Supply Plan Update
Current Status - Effective
Amend the Lee Plan to coordinate with the South Florida Water Management District’s 2022 Lower West Coast Water Supply Plan as required by Section 163.3177 of the Florida Statutes. Portions of the Lee Plan to be amended include the Future Land Use Element, the Community Facilities and Services Element, the Capital Improvements Element, and Table 5 – Ten Year Water Supply Development Projects.
CPA2023-00009 - Dante Commercial CPA
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
Request to amend the Future Land Use Map (Map 1-A) on a 15.03± acre site to 1) redesignate 10.96± acres from Density Reduction/Groundwater Resources (DR/GR) to Commercial, 2) update the Wetlands map designation to reflect the 4.07± acres of jurisdictional wetlands, and 3) remove the site from Private Recreational Facilities Overlay.
CPA2023-00010 - BSR 40
Current Status - Effective
Amend Lee Plan Map 1-A, Future Land Use Map, to redesignate the +38.51 acre property from Open Lands and Wetlands to Central Urban and Wetlands future land use categories, and update Table 1(b), Year 2045 Allocations, to accommodate development within the Central Urban future land use category in the Burnt Store Planning District.
CPA2023-00011 - Royal Palm Multifamily CPA
Current Status - Effective
Amend Lee Plan Map 1-A to redesignate the + 19.3 acre property from the Central Urban future land use category to the Intensive Development future land use category. The property is located at 15180 Meadow Circle, Fort Myers, FL 33908.
CPA2023-00012 - Babcock Lee Text Amendment
Current Status - Effective
Amend Lee Plan Policies 1.1.15, 29.9.1, and 29.9.2 relating to the New Community future land use category and Note 19 of Table 1(a), Summary of Residential Densities, to increase the residential density for the approximately 4,157-acre portion of Babcock Ranch in Lee County from 1 unit per 2.5 acres with a maximum of 1,630 units to 1 unit per 1.9 acres with a maximum of 2,078 units and reduce the non-residential intensity from 600 hotel rooms to 250 hotel rooms.
CPA2023-00013 - Babcock Lee Map Amendment
Current Status - Withdrawn
Babcock Property Holdings, LLC (“Applicant”) is requesting approval of a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment Petition relating to the 4,157.2 +/-acre site known as “Babcock Ranch.” The proposed text amendment will amend Policy 1.1.15 relating to the New Community Future Land Use Category and Objective 29.9 relating to New Community North Olga, to allow an increase in the number of dwelling units (DUs) from 1,630 DUs to 2,078 DUs and a reduction in hotel rooms from 600 to 250 rooms. The proposed map amendment will increase the wetlands reflected on the Future Land Use (FLU) Map from ±608-acres to ±615-acres, thereby decreasing overall development acreage. An amendment to the Mixed-Use Planned Development (MPD) approval per Resolution Z-17-026 is being filed concurrently with this petition. The amendment does not propose any changes to the non-residential intensity of 1,170,000 SF and the maximum proposed building height is 65 feet. The project is connected to central water and sanitary sewer services via Babcock Ranch Community (BRC) Independent Special District (ISD).