2024 Amendments

For more detailed information, click on the Amendment Case Name  

CPA2024-00001 - Bonita Beach CPD Map Amendment
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
A request to change the future land use (FLU) category of a 12.1 ± acre property from Conservation Lands Wetlands; Density Reduction / Groundwater Resource; and Wetlands to General Interchange. The request is associated with a proposed Lee Plan Text Amendment to modify Policy 33.2.5 and Table 1b, and a CPD Rezone to allow for a maximum of 60,000 SF of commercial uses.

CPA2024-00002 - Bonita Beach CPD Text Amendment
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
A request to amend Lee Plan Policy 33.2.5 to limit the restriction on commercial uses in the Southeast Lee County Planning District to properties with the DR/GR designation, and add commercial area to Table 1(b). The request is associated with a proposed small-scale map amendment for a 12.1 acre property.

CPA2024-00005 - Florida Gulf Coast Business Center
Current Status - DEO Review
Amend Lee Plan Policy 1.3.4 describing the Industrial Commercial Interchange future land use category to remove the requirement that light industrial uses comprise a minimum of 50% of the total floor area within areas added to this future land use category after January 1, 2007.

CPA2024-00006 - Horizon Tamiami
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
Amend Lee Plan Map 1-C, request to add 20.2 acres of the subject property to the Mixed Use Overlay.

CPA2024-00007 - House Bill 1379 Amendments
Current Status - DEO Review
Amend Lee Plan to implement House Bill 1379. House Bill 1379 is a wide-ranging amendment to Florida Statutes related to environmental protection in the areas of wastewater management, septic systems, sanitary sewer services and planning, Basin Management Action Plans (BMAP), and the wastewater grant program. Amendments to the Lee Plan are required to maintain consistency with Florida Statutes. Additional minor amendments have also been identified to update cross-references to various County ordinances and plans.

CPA2024-00008 - Airport Master Plan Update
Current Status - DEO Review
Amend Lee Plan Policy 1.1.12 to update references to the Airport Master Plan as required by Florida Statute 163.3177(1)(b) and 163.3177(6)(b)4, and Policy 47.3.3 to update references to the Board of Port Commissioners.

CPA2024-00010 - The Reserve at Pinto Place Map Amendment
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
Proposed multi-family development consisting of four (4) apartment buildings with 84 total unit mixture of one, two, three, and four bedrooms, clubhouse, maintenance building, and mail kiosk. Amenities range from pool, playground, basketball court, etc.

CPA2024-00011 - Corkscrew 80 CPA Map Amendment
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
Proposal to amend Lee Plan maps as follows: Map 1-D – Special Treatment Areas Tier 1 – to add the Property to Tier 1, Map 2-D – Southeast DR/GR Residential Overlay – to add the Property to the Environmental Enhancement and Preservation Communities Overlay (EEPCO), and Maps 4-A and 4-B to designate the Property in the Lee County Utilities (LCU) services area to connect to centralized potable water and sanitary sewer services. This map amendment will be accompanied by a requested RPD Rezone petition and Bonus Density application. The proposal will allow for a development of with a maximum of 85 single-family dwelling units – 78 (base density units); 7 (bonus density units).

CPA2024-00012 - Corkscrew 80 CPA Text Amendment
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
Proposal to amend Lee Plan Policy 33.2.4 to make allowances for development under 100 acres in the Environmental Enhancement and Preservation Community Overlay. This Text Amendment will be accompanied by a request to amend Lee Plan maps as follows: Map 1-D – Special Treatment Areas Tier 1 – to add the Property to Tier 1, Map 2-D – Southeast DR/GR Residential Overlay – to add the Property to the Environmental Enhancement and Preservation Communities Overlay (EEPCO), and Maps 4-A and 4-B to designate the Property in the Lee County Utilities (LCU) services area to connect to centralized potable water and sanitary sewer services. Additionally, this Text Amendment will be accompanied by a requested RPD Rezone petition and Bonus Density application. The proposal will allow for a development of with a maximum of 85 single-family dwelling units – 78 (base density units); 7 (bonus density units).

CPA2024-00014 - Surf Style CPA Small Scale Amendment
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
The applicant seeks to amend Lee County Future Land Use Map 1-A, to designate 0.6 +/- acres from Suburban to Urban Community, and to amend Lee County Future Land Use Map 1-C, to include the 1.76 +/- acre property in the Mixed Use Overlay.

CPA2024-00015 - Caloosa 80 CPA - Text Amendment
Current Status - Withdrawn
Proposal to change the FLU category of a 92.71+/- ac site from Rural to Sub-Outlying Suburban and to add the Property (192.3+/- ac) to the LCU Future Water and Sanitary Sewer Service Areas. This requires 3 map amendments to Lee Plan Map 1A, Map 4A, & Map 4B. There is a companion text amendment to Table 1(b) to increase residential acreage in the Northeast Lee County District. There is a companion MPD rezone request for 721 DU's and 30,000 SF of commercial uses.

CPA2024-00016 - Caloosa 80 CPA Map Amendment
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
Proposal to change the FLU category of a 92.71+/- ac site from Rural to Sub-Outlying Suburban and to add the Property (192.3+/- ac) to the LCU Future Water and Sanitary Sewer Service Areas. This requires 3 map amendments to Lee Plan Map 1A, Map 4A, & Map 4B. There is a companion text amendment to Table 1(b) to increase residential acreage in the Northeast Lee County District. There is a companion MPD rezone request for 721 DU's and 30,000 SF of commercial uses.

CPA2024-00017 - SR31 Civic 10 Small Scale Map Amendment
Current Status - Staff Review - Private
Proposal to amend Lee Plan Maps as follows: Map 1-A - to change the Future Land Use Category from Rural to Outlying Suburban for the subject Property, Map 4-A and Map 4-B to designate the Property in the Lee County Utilities (LCU) services area to connect to centralized potable water and sanitary sewer services. Proposal to also amend Lee Plan Table 1(b) to maintain consistency.
