Do you have a concern about your service? Please fill out a
Request for Action.
Establishing Commercial Service
Garbage Collection
It is the responsibility of the property owner or manager to contract and coordinate with the appropriate
franchised service provider for the collection of solid waste from all commercial facilities, businesses and multi-family dwellings of five or more units.
Garbage must be collected for disposal at least once a week by the contracted garbage company.
Any business that prepares or serves food products must have at least two collections per week.
Recycle Collection 
Businesses are also responsible for recycling the material that, by weight, makes up most of its solid waste stream. This may include:
Fiber (office paper, cardboard, newsprint, magazines, junk-mail, fiberboard boxes, phone books, etc.)
Comingled containers (plastics labeled #1 - #7, glass bottles or jars, aluminum or steel cans)
Ferrous metals
Non-ferrous metals (aluminum or copper)
Other (requires Solid Waste Department approval)
New businesses must start a program within 14 days of commencing a garbage service.
Learn more about Lee County's
mandatory business recycling.
Learn about the best design practices for your dumpster enclosures.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Lee County contracts with a private vendor to offer businesses monthly chemical disposal.
Special Wastes
Special Wastes that require approval prior to disposal at Lee County facilities include contaminated soils, sediments, sludges and sand; water and wastewater treatment residuals; asbestos containing material; and other materials or by-products that may contain regulated pollutants.
Special wastes are typically managed at the Lee Hendry Landfill and must be approved and scheduled prior to delivery.
Industrial wastewater generators within Lee or Hendry County may apply for disposal with Lee County Solid Waste. Minimum analysis required includes Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Standards within the last 3 months. Approval is dependent on available injection well capacity, compatibility with County's overall waste stream and state approvals. The process may take an estimated 12 months or more to complete. Please call 239 533-8000 for more information.
Franchise Area Service Providers
Area 1 & 2 | WM
| 239-334-1224 |
Area 3 & 5 | Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. | 239-337-0800 |
Area 4 | Waste Pro of Florida, Inc.
| 239-422-5660 |
If you have questions or need assistance establishing a business account, call the Solid Waste Department at 239-533-8000.