Curbside Recycling
Lee County residents enjoy weekly curbside collection of recyclable material. The County uses single-stream recycling, which means that all recyclable material can go in one container. Learn more about what material is acceptable for curbside recycling in Lee County.

Electronics Recycling (E-waste)
Lee County contracts with responsible e-waste recyclers to break down old electronics for reusable components and responsibly discard the remainder.
Lee County residents can set old electronics at the curb with their trash. Alternatively, old electronics can be brought to the Household Chemical and Electronics Recycling Facility. Learn more about Lee County's electronics recycling program.
Please note: We encourage everyone to erase all personal data from their devices before recycling them. Once the device is received at our Topaz facility, we strive to ensure data security in the recycling process. Lee County contracts with industry approved electronics recyclers who erase or destroy hard drives and memory-containing devices and break down each item to recover reusable or recyclable components.
Curbside Yard Waste Recycling
Lee County uses horticulture waste (yard waste) three different ways:
To create mulch
- To create compost
- To use as fuel for the Waste-to-Energy Plant
Collectively, these programs allow the County to divert tens of thousands of tons of material from the landfill.
You can help by using a trash can or paper bag when setting out yard waste. Learn more about the county's efforts to Keep Lee Plastic Free.

Household Chemical Waste Recycling
Lee County residents have a permanent location to safely and responsibly dispose of old paints, fertilizers and combustible or corrosive materials.
The Household Chemical Waste and Electronic Recycling Facility, at 6441 Topaz Court in Fort Myers, is available 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and the first Saturday of each month (except holidays) from 8 a.m. to noon. Drive-through drop off is easy and convenient. Learn more about materials accepted at the Topaz Facility. You can also bring items to local collection events scheduled throughout the year.

Inside the Household Chemical Waste and Electronic Recycling Facility, is the Reuse Center where residents can pick up still-useable paint, household cleaners, herbicides and pesticides that have been dropped off by other residents. There is no charge for the items and inventory changes daily.
Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling (C & D)
Lee County's mandatory construction and demolition debris recycling requirement applies to any construction project requiring a permit, except those involving only mechanical, electrical or plumbing. All C & D material is sorted for materials that can be salvaged, re-used or recycled in order to divert these materials from the landfill. Learn more about particular recycling requirements.
Lee County follows the Environmental Protection Agency's waste management hierarchy.